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5 Stages of Grief by Bethany Ramos

Bethany Ramos is on tour with CLP Blog Tours and 5 Stages of Grief. This book really intrigued me. I thought it was different from a lot of books I have read lately, and I thought the timing in the main character’s life was really interesting. Danielle Starkey gets a disturbing phone call regarding a vacation that her husband booked – with his mistress. Danielle is furious that her husband was cheating on her – past tense because her husband died in a tragic car accident. Danielle doesn’t know what to think about Cherry James (such a mistress name) and why her husband was cheating. How do you get resolution when the cheating party is six feet under? Danielle comes up with a scheme to confront Cherry James about the affair, but in the process, manages to almost lose her cushy job as a magazine beauty editor. Will Danielle be able to keep it all together, or will this latest twist be too much to handle?
I thought Ramos gave readers a whole new angle to work with during Danielle’s journey. Her husband is already deceased, she’s already allowed herself to break down about it, and now we watch as this new piece of information gets brought to life. While the story is sad, it’s also humorous, charming and realistic. Danielle relies on her best friend to help get through, and she also gives her shot at online dating. The beginning went kind of fast for me, I was trying to figure out what the heck was all going on, but once I was a few pages in I started to get a handle on Danielle and her friends and what she was going through. I also loved that Danielle was a beauty editor, and watching her on the job was a lot of fun – something I think chick lit fans will enjoy. Overall, I’m really impressed at the story and characters Ramos created and think this is a book to get on your to-read lists!
[Rating: 4]

Aftertaste by Meredith Mileti

First off, let me give five stars to the cover alone. I could stare at this beauty all day. I’m a big fan of foodie books, and I just knew this book was going to speak to me. Aftertaste, the debut novel from Meredith Mileti, follows Mira Rinaldi as she tries to pick up the pieces of her life after finding her husband cheating on her. Mira and husband Jake are co-owners to the wildly successful Manhattan Italian restaurant, Grappa, the same location where Mira finds Jake with Grappa’s newest waitress. Mira is shocked at Jake’s infidelity, especially since they welcomed their first baby just two months prior. Mira packs up baby Chloe and flees to Pittsburgh to be near her family. She struggles to fight for Grappa, stay sane for Chloe’s sake, and work through her divorce. Along the way, Mira must find what fulfills her life, what makes her happy and content.
Aftertaste makes it on my Favorites List, as this was such a satisfying novel. I found Mira so easy to relate to. Unlike a lot of novels where the woman finds her man cheating and slinks away to rebuild her life, Mira fought back. She attacked the mistress, got arrested, and was ordered to anger management classes. Those scenes made the story really come to life for me. Is it the best thing to turn to physical violence? Of course not. But it really put a human aspect to Mira’s character, and I was with her from the first page. Aftertaste has a ton of drama – I shed tears, I was furious with Jake, and I was rooting on Mira in every scene – and I didn’t want the story to end. Mira’s journey also gave me a sense of empowerment, and I love books that show a strong heroine never giving up. A must read in my opinion!
[Rating: 5]

Heidi Klum, Seal Seperate

No! No! No! Well, I’m just devastated. Weekend reports were saying that super couple Heidi Klum and Seal were heading for divorce, but I didn’t want to believe it. Now, I guess I have to. They released this joint statement Monday morning: “While we have enjoyed seven very loving, loyal and happy years of marriage, after much soul-searching we have decided to separate. We have had the deepest respect for one another throughout our relationship and continue to love each other very much, but we have grown apart. This is an amicable process and protecting the well-being of our children remains our top priority, especially during this time of transition. We thank our family, friends, and fans for their kind words of support. And for our children’s sake, we appreciate you respecting our privacy.”

Gosh darn it. Klum, 38, and Seal, 48, were married in Mexico in 2005, and held vow renewal ceremonies each year. I loved watching them on Halloween because they always showed up in crazy costumes. When he sang to her on the Victoria Secret fashion show while she strutted in her underwear was beautiful. This was a Hollywood couple that I really held out hope for. What could have gone wrong from them to “grow apart?”

The couple has three biological children – Henry, 6, Johan, 5, and Lou, 2. Klum also has seven-year old daughter Leni from a previous relationship, whom Seal adopted in 2009.

Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler Expecting

Gonna be a football player? Reality star Kristin Cavallari and NFL quarterback Jay Cutler are expecting! The couple, who called off their engagement in July only to reconcile and announce they were back on in November, broke their baby news to PEOPLE: “We are thrilled to announce we are expecting our first child together. It’s an amazing time in our life and we can’t wait to meet the new addition to our growing family.” This will be the first child for Cavallari, 25, and Cutler, 28.

Blog Tour Sign Up: Touch Me and Tango by Alicia …

  Alicia and Roy Street will be on tour in April with their contemporary romantic comedy novel Touch Me and Tango. Please use the sign…

In My Mailbox: Week of January 22

In My Mailbox: Week of January 22   Title: Amber Eyes Author: Jolyn Palliata Received: Via CLP Blog Tours Synopsis: ~ Eyes are the window…

Future Tour: Favorable Conditions by Kathleen Kole

Kathleen will be on tour March 5-26 with her novel Favorable Conditions Can you imagine being forty-five, your last child has moved on to college…

GIVEAWAY: Stay Tuned Prize Pack

Lauren Clark is also giving away a special prize pack to any ChickLit Plus follower who buys Stay Tuned (99 cent ebook on Amazon) by January…

Daniella Brodsky Interview

Q: Why were you drawn to fiction writing?
A: There is a wonderful quote by Lorrie Moore’s “How to Become a Writer,” about this: “First, try to be something, anything, else. A movie star/astronaut. A movie star/missionary. A movie star/kindergarten teacher. President of the World. Fail miserably. It is best if you fail at an early age—say, fourteen. Early critical disillusionment is necessary so that at fifteen you can write long haiku sequences about thwarted desire. It is a pond, a cherry blossom, a wind brushing against sparrow wing leaving for mountain. Count the syllables. Show it to your mom. She is tough and practical. She has a son in Vietnam and a husband who may be having an affair. She believes in wearing brown because it hides spots. She’ll look briefly at your writing, then back up at you with a face blank as a donut. She’ll say: “How about emptying the dishwasher?” Look away. Shove the forks in the fork drawer. Accidentally break one of the freebie gas station glasses. This is the required pain and suffering. This is only for starters.”
I tried to be practical out of university and get a business-y job in publishing, but I discovered very quickly I had a calling and nothing else would do. I started to tell people I was a novelist, doing this “international licensing thing” on the side. In a week I had a job assisting a writer.

Q: What is your favorite part of the writing process?
A: Easy—the first draft, when everything is possible and you’re research grows the story by leaps and bounds every day. There is a point when you hit the sweet spot and you just know it’s working…I can’t help but feel there’s a little magic that happens there.

Q: Your first novel, Diary of a Working Girl, recently became adapted into a feature film. Beauty and the Briefcase, starring Hilary Duff, premiered in April. How did you receive this exciting news, and what was your reaction like?
A: When I found out Hilary Duff was going to play this character—my very first character, inspired by my new journo-in-the-city adventures at the time—I nearly fell off my chair. She was such a wonderful pick! What she did with that character was amazing; she really made Lane her own. Hilary, like Jennifer Aniston, is a fantastic physical comedian, and that was key to her portrayal of the character as a lovable girl.

Q: Did you have input on the adaptation, such as selecting actors?
A: I got to see the script and comment on it, and I got to see early on who they were considering for the parts. But I wouldn’t want to play too big a role because they’re the movie experts! And I’m thrilled with the final product.

Q: Your latest novel, Vivian Rising, follows a character after she loses her grandmother. Where did the inspiration for this novel come from?
A: Vivian Rising began to take shape a year after the death of my best friend and grandmother, Sylvia. When once again head-on with the blank screen, there appeared a woman named Viv, locked in an ensuite bathroom, faced with the terrifying prospect of losing the one person who’d always cared for her. She had her own unique circumstances and sensibilities, but we shared our grief and the seemingly unanswerable question: “now what?” As the novel unfolded, it became an ode to the grieving process that at one point or another we all go through. Along with a gigantic thanks to the influence and support a grandparent can be, my wish is that the novel provides a flicker of promise—that the hopeful place we emerged from can once again be ours if we learn to adjust to the inevitable realities of loss and change.

Q: How long do you take to research your characters or plot before you begin writing?
A: For me, the best way to create characters is to dump them into the action and see what they do. Sometimes later on, I’ll create some backstory, in the character’s own voice, if I feel they need some filling out. Sometimes you wind up using that actual text, sometimes it just serves to help you know the character better, how they would act and feel in situations that arise, what their motivations are. The general research for the story and plot is ongoing and in many ways drives the narrative. For instance, in the novel I’m writing now, gardening is a key metaphor throughout. Until I do that research, I wouldn’t know what options I have to work with. For this particular book, I’ve also read books about male psychology, motherhood, babies’ eating, sleeping, and learning patterns, pregnancy, the history of feminism, and of course, tons of wonderful novels!

Q: How many projects do you work on at a time?
A: It really depends. Sometimes three books at once—one in the morning, one at lunch, and one in the late afternoon. Often you have one book at some edit stage while you’re working on a draft of another. I find you learn a lot from one project, which then illuminates something in the other one. But sometimes you’re so focused on the one book you’re spending all your time writing, interviewing, researching, and reading about it.

Q: You are from New York but now live in Australia. Why the change?
A: Love, of course! Plus travel is the best food for novelists…

Q: Where is one place that you would love to travel to that you haven’t visited yet?
A: Can I say “everywhere I haven’t visited yet?” If not, Italy and Thailand.

Q: What are you currently reading?
A: In addition to about twenty pounds of non-fiction that I lug around with me everyday, I just ordered three books from Amazon: Annie Dillard’s Pilgrim at Timber Creek, Faulkner’s Absalom! Absalom!, and The Orchid Thief by Susan Orlean. I have been exploring a lot of the Australian authors, which are new to me, and in the past few weeks I’ve read Truth, The World Beneath, and Rhubarb. I like to switch around between genres—the best-written of each have so much to teach writers. This week I finished Sue Miller’s When I was Gone, and I dove right into Candace Bushnell’s Four Blondes after devouring her novel One Fifth about a month back.

Q: What is your advice for aspiring writers?
A: Read, read, read! And write, write, write! Don’t wait, just start now!