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Clothesline by Kate Supino

Kelly, Ana and Sera are three friends with a big problem- they have no money. The friends and co-workers decide to become entrepreneurs, because the three of them aren’t making enough working at the retail store Clothesline. Their big ideas include door to door selling, vending machines, and finally dog grooming. But Kelly has always had an eye for fashion and creating clothes, and a chance run-in with a major celebrity helps open the door for her. Armed with the help of her two best friends, the young women are able to find their happy endings.
Clothesline is the debut from Kate Supino, and I thought it was pretty solid. There were a few holes along the way that had me wondering, the biggest one being why the friends formed a friendship. I know they are co-workers, but the writing had me believing these are best besties, when in reality they actually don’t seem to know each other that well. Ana had a secret throughout the book that she refused to share, which really did hold my interest, but the friendship had me confused on a few occasions. There were a few other instances that had me wondering- such as the immediate help from a celebrity and some odd-sounding dialogue at times, but I enjoyed the story. I could relate to the women as they strive to become successful entrepreneurs, and the ending wasn’t quite what I expected, but in a good way. Overall, a good debut from an author that I will read more from.
[Rating: 4]

Press Release: Launch for Musa Publishing

Contact Elspeth McClanahan Permission to forward granted
Phone 919-877-0375 For Immediate release

Ebooks,Penumbra eMag, and so much More
Musa Publishing Opens its Electronic Doors

After months of editing, designing, contracting, and formatting Musa Publishing launches on October 1, 2011. The E-publisher opens with a large catalogue including Penumbra Speculative Fiction eMag, new works by three bestselling authors, and the full backlist of Aurora Regency, featuring traditional Regency romances and historical fiction.

Penumbra eMag

Penumbra’s inaugural issue is a collection of speculative fiction stories that encompass the arts–the arts we love and revere. Some of these stories deal with the arts we’re familiar with. Some create arts we haven’t thought of and some resurrect arts buried in the depths of the past. And yet, all of these offerings celebrate the creative process, which makes them a fitting theme to launch Penumbra–an enterprise that will showcase the creative work of speculative fiction authors each month with a new collection of works within the genre.
New Works by

Gini Koch
The Martian Alliance 1: The Royal Scam

Things aren’t what they seem to be when Princess Olivia of Andromeda jumps aboard a spaceship to escape a loveless marriage.

Join the crew of the Hummingbird as they take on the rich, famous and sleazy of the galaxy. They’re also on a long-term secret mission, so it’s a good thing they’re the best con artists, spacers, and roughnecks in the Milky Way, because they need all their skills to pull off this particular Royal Scam.

Cindi Myers
West with the Wind

More than gold awaits two lovers at the end of the trail.

Mariah Tate and her dog, Worthy, persuade veteran guide Campbell Jefferson to let them join his expedition headed to California. Camp can’t say no to the beautiful widow, but his need to protect her soon clashes with her need to keep secrets. Mariah left more than bad memories behind in Pennsylvania and her growing attraction to the stoic but surprisingly sensitive Camp forces her to face up to the consequences of the choices she’s made. Camp doesn’t know what Mariah’s hiding, but he’s determined not to let the only woman who ever made him want to settle down get away. He pursues her across the prairies, through stampedes, Indian raids, desert drought and mountain snows. In the gold camps of California, Camp will discover Mariah’s secret, and prove the love she wants most isn’t out of reach.

And the return to writing after five years for USA Today Bestselling Author

Sharon De Vita
The Estrogen Posse

“The Estrogen Posse is a hoot! I laughed, I cried, I couldn’t put it down! For every woman who needs a pick me up, this is the book for you!”
Janet Evanovich, NYT bestselling author of the Stephanie Plum mystery series

Once upon a time Ellie Briotti had a quiet life as a suburban housewife.
Until…she confronts her wealthy husband Nicky about doing the pecker polka with another woman, and Nicky tosses Ellie out of his life like some misbehaved household pet.
Until…Gram Crackers, her dotty mother begins passing out house keys to homeless bums.
Until…Joey, her eleven-year old son starts on a new career path: breaking and entering.
Until…Rina, her best friend, a single, successful, entrepreneur learns she’s about to become a mother.
Until…Candi, Nicky’s 22-year-old mistress turns up murdered with traces of furniture polish on her bare backside!
A rip-roaring ribald mystery about a woman’s journey to discover what she really wants in life. Now, if Ellie can keep her son from becoming a second-story man, while trying to hide everything from the gorgeous cop who’s started sniffing around, Ellie might be able to get a new life.
That is—if she doesn’t go to jail for murder first!
Aurora Regency

Musa has acquired Aurora Regency and Aurora Regency Historicals. Within the next month over forty books in this line will be available to Regency and Historical Romance buffs to enjoy.

Stop by check out the books already for sale as well as those coming soon. Over the next few weeks, Musa will offer literature geared for every reader’s tastes. Musa aims to offer well writing, interesting stories, all at a price that doesn’t bite into your check book.

“Hearts set upon song, spirits free from care”~ Hesiod

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If you’d like more information about Musa Publishing, please contact Elspeth McClanahan at or go to our blog

Challenge:Post Reviews:October

October Challenge Reviews January Reviews February Reviews March Reviews April Reviews May Review June Reviews July Reviews August Reviews September Reviews   Please note this…

Blog Tour Sign Up: Scotland by Starlight by Nancy Volkers

Cassie Wrentham is on her way to Scotland again… but this time it’s not vacation. She’s moving in with Ralph Macnair, the charismatic Scotsman who stole her heart. But Cassie wouldn’t be Cassie without doubts. Will she find a job in a tight U.K. economy? Would marrying Ralph now be only for convenience’s sake? Will she fit in, make friends, make a life there? Or will it all fall apart? Bursting with a lively cast of characters, all with their own stories and challenges, Scotland By Starlight follows Cassie and Ralph from the new beginnings of their intense relationship to a conclusion like no other.

Reebok Women’s EasyTone Reeinspire Toning Shoe

I’m not a big fan of tennis shoes, I prefer heels or wedges, flip-flops in the summer, but with all these new toning shoes coming out, I decided to give them a try. I walk all over the hospital during the day at my full-time job, so I knew I could get some use on the shoes. The pair I decided on was the Reebok Women’s EasyTone Reeinspire Toning Shoe. There are balance pods on the shoes that will make you feel off balance when you walk. It has been compared to feel like you are walking in sand. Since you are off balance, you will tone your calves, hamstrings, and gluteus- even when just standing still. With the Reeinspire line, there is also foam cushioning that will reduce the pounding your feet endure on a daily basis, even if you are just walking. I will say these shoes are extremely comfortable. I haven’t had any problems with rubbing or blisters. I don’t know if I have seen any real toning results. I have been wearing my shoes at least five days a week for the past four weeks now, and I haven’t seen or felt any real differences in my lower body. But they are good shoes, they feel good and there is a wide variety of colors and style to choose from. Reebok has made toning shoes for both walking and running, so you can choose your shoe by which lifestyle you lead, and I think that is nice. The balance pods really threw me off balance the first day I wore them, but after that I barely noticed that my shoes felt different from regular tennis shoes. But I haven’t had any problems yet with the pods wearing down or popping, which some reviews had said. Overall, I am little disappointed that I haven’t seen any results, but I will continue wearing the shoes in hopes that maybe I just need some more time.
[Rating: 3.5]

Interview with Lacy Camey

Have you always known that being a writer was for you?

Yes! Of course I had the usual childhood dream of being a famous actress, as well :)…But it was always in me to write and tell stories. I’ve been doing it since I was very little. I’ve been writing professionally for 4 years and couldn’t imagine doing anything else!

Can you describe The Last Page in twenty words or less?

Sure! It’s a fun, light, quick read, with fashion, humor, family, friends, beach, hottie, loving and living again, triumph.

The Last Page is the first in a series. Did you find plotting out a series was harder to do than a standalone book?

I love series and I love staying in the world the characters create. Deciding to write the “Living, Loving, Laughing Again” series was very natural. I didn’t want the story to end, myself as the writer! The challenging part is trying to keep the same type of humor in all three books because each character has such a very different voice. So, in each book, humor has to be brought in different ways, perhaps plot, or dialogue, or from other characters.

Can you tell us a little about your publishing process?

I’m a huge researcher. I knew about the process of traditional publishing. I knew one could query, month after month, perhaps get an agent, and still query for years! Then, maybe she gets a deal, and perhaps only makes a small advance with her first contract. (not to mention waiting two years for the book to reach stores…) Most never even earn out their advance and see royalties. That news flash didn’t seem very appealing to me. In fact, it was downright discouraging!

My goal was to be a professional, career novelist with multiple, multiple books written. I knew the only way to get the ball rolling was to publish myself and take it in my own hands. Especially with the booming e book industry, it’s just the perfect time to self publish. Especially since every writer, traditionally published or not, is expected to have an online presence and market their brand. I knew I could do that myself and keep most of my royalties and rights. I felt confident that I could make just as much revenue as a first time author does with her normal first printing run myself by taking control of publishing. I’m having a ton of fun this way and trust that if or when I’m supposed to have a traditional deal in the future with my books, it will be a smoking deal! It would be a deal where I can still self publish on my own because I like writing in different genres and I consider myself a fast writer.

So, in April 2011, the light bulb went off for me after reading stories of other writers, especially Joe Konrath’s blog. I knew this is what I had to do to make my own personal dreams come true now; I had to be proactive. I’ve always believed in the philosophy that God helps those who help themselves. “So, I wanted to be published? I would be published. Now! And not have someone tell me no”. Of course, I did everything as professionally as possible to ensure my book had the highest quality possible. I had a professional cover artists, it was professionally edited, with two proofers. I even had it professionally formatted. I will do the same when I re-release the entire series in Spring 2012 in print books.

I have always told myself, “I want to be a published fiction writer by the time I’m 30,” (Like my own books. I also do ghostwriting and have written a few books but they AREN’T MINE! I’m a writer for my day job, but not a novelist as my day job, yet.) So, it’s such an incredible feeling to be 27 years old (2 months shy of 28), and have met one of my self imposed goals. Now unto more books and unto the full time novelist goal! 🙂

What is your favorite part of the writing process?

Oh, it’s the outlining! Just kidding 🙂 It’s reading that final draft and feeling a great sense of accomplishment. The next would be having readers tell you they like your book.

What are some of your other hobbies besides writing?

Working out, running, hot yoga, cooking and trying new recipes, reading, being outside, (I’m about to go kayaking soon so I’m excited about that!), hanging out with my hubs, being with friends and family, creating, watching movies and my favorite tv shows with my husband! A future hobby I want to pick up when I have more time is sewing. I want to sew a luxurious silk duvet cover that you see in French stores 🙂 And then sell it for half the price boutiques charge! But my husband lovingly reminds me, “focus on writing”, haha, which he’s sort of right because I’m always wanting to create businesses! Maybe I can outsource, right? Like Norah in my book!

Giving Back is something you focus on, and you donate a part of your book sales to orphanages. How did you first get involved with giving back?

I was raised in church and we always did projects in our community. I was also involved in organizations while in college, as well. I went on my first mission trip when I was 17 to Central America. I’ll never forget seeing the poverty and the children running around with smiling faces. They were happy to have just the smallest things. Their eyes would light up to just have a ball, a doll, attention, a hug.

We’re so blessed and fortunate in America and other countries around the world. According to a recent article I have read, most Americans spend an average of $3,400 per person on food and beverages. That alone is 365 percent more than the total average income of over half the people in the world. That’s mind-boggling!

When I saw the need, the poverty, suddenly that itch to get my hair re-highlihted didn’t seem as important. (I still highlight my hair, obviously. My hair is really blonde!) But that experience left an impression in me. It really teaches you perspective. I recommend going to a third world country to everyone.

I really feel like we are to leave the world a better place by being here. God has given us each talents and abilities to use to help others and to make a difference in the world. Maybe not everyone can read my books, but I know I can do something good with a portion of the revenues. I feel especially for children because children are our world’s future. They cannot control the family they are born into. But when given the proper tools, love, hope, life skills, education, they can rise out of poverty and change their family’s generational line. I’m certain we each have someone in our own family generational line that made a choice for something different in his or her life. I want to help “that someone” and be a part of the catalyst of change for his or her future family. I want to help offer “a choice to make”.

What are three things you never leave the house without?

Iphone, lipgloss/chapstick, and perfume! (all in my purse). I like to smell good!

What is your advice to aspiring writers?

Never give up! Don’t let other people’s opinions keep you from pursuing what’s inside of you. Be unique, be yourself, be the best you Let other’s work ethic, accomplishments, and their way of doing things inspire you, but don’t try and be anyone else but you. That way you can create new paths and be a leader.

In My Mailbox: Week of October 2

In My Mailbox: Week of October 2

Title: What’s Your Number?
Author: Karyn Bosnak
Received: From Transworld Publishers
Synopsis: Bosnak, the woman behind the popular “Save Karyn” Web site (she also penned a book by the same title), makes her fiction debut with the tepid tale of Delilah Darling, a woman on the cusp of 30 who loses her job and sleeps with her heinous former boss in an entanglement that’s the 20th notch on her headboard. It’s a painful realization, as she’d just read in the New York Post, that the average person has 10.5 partners in their lifetime. Fearing she has more than reached her quota, Delilah takes off on a cross-country trip, determined to find “the one” among the 20 of her former lovers. But she soon discovers that the men of her romantic past “an inmate, a rehab patient, a dog-obsessed Amway salesman and a Muppeteer among them” aren’t exactly life-partner material. Clever chapter breaks that feature maps and voice-mail transcripts are fun additions, but the story” hobbled by limp humor, razor-thin characters and phoned-in prose” takes too long to find its inevitably happy ending.

Title: The Arrivals
Author: Meg Mitchell Moore
Received: From SheKnows Book Club
Synopsis: An empty nest fills back up with alarming speed in Moore’s promising debut. Five years have passed since the last of their kids have left home, and Ginny and William Owens have settled into a comfortable rhythm at home in Burlington, Vt., that’s unexpectedly disrupted. Their exhausted and defeated daughter, Lillian, shows up with three-year-old Olivia, three-month-old Philip, and without her husband. Within days, Lillian’s brother, Stephen, and his pregnant wife, Jane, arrive for an unannounced visit that will turn into a summer-long stay. Daughter Rachel, still working in New York, is teetering on the edge of financial and emotional disaster, and will also end up in Burlington in short order. Moore finds a crisp narrative in the morass of an overpacked household, and she keeps the proceedings moving with an assurance and outlook reminiscent of Laurie Colwin, evoking emotional universals with the simplest of observations, as in “the peace you feel when you are awake in a house where children are sleeping.”

Title: Don’t Let Me Go
Author: Catherine Ryan Hyde
Received: From Transworld Publishers
Synopsis: Sometimes a child knows better…

Ten-year-old Grace knows that her mum loves her, but her mum loves drugs too. And there’s only so long Grace can fend off the ‘woman from the county’ who is threatening to put her into care. Her only hope is…

Grown-man Billy Shine hasn’t been out of his apartment for years. People scare him, and the outside world scares him even more. Day in, day out, he lives a perfectly orchestrated silent life within his four walls. Until now. . .

Grace bursts into Billy’s life with a loud voice and a brave plan to get her mum clean. And it won’t be easy, because they will have to confiscate the one thing her mum holds most dear . . . they will have to kidnap Grace.

Title: Better Off Without Him
Author: Dee Ernst
Received: From Dee Ernst
Synopsis: Mona Berman is an expert at Happily Ever After – after all, she’s a best-selling Romance writer and happy endings are what she does best. So when her husband of twenty years leaves her for somebody 15 years younger, 20 pounds lighter, and French, she’s got a lot of adjusting to do, both personally and professionally. Lucky for her she’s got three savvy teen daughters, a few good friends, and Ben, the world’s sexiest plumber, to help her along the way.

First she decides that her next book will be the anti-romance – her heroine finds the best part of her life AFTER getting dumped. Next her daughters tell her she needs to start practice dating, and summer at the Jersey shore is the perfect place for that. She’s also juggling her soon-to-be-ex, a loony aunt, and a match-making neighbor, while Ben is sending her romance-driven imagination into overdrive. Can Mona’s life imitate art? Can she write her own happy ending?

GIVEAWAY: Goddess of Vengeance by Jackie Collins

Jackie Collins’ fierce and wildly beautiful heroine Lucky Santangelo is back with a vengeance—in a novel full of power, passion, revenge, and the raging family dynamics of the Santangelo clan—and, as always, Lucky comes out on top.
Lucky runs a high profile casino and hotel complex, The Keys in Vegas.
Lennie, her movie star husband, is still writing and directing successful independent movies, while Max, her stubborn and gorgeous teenage daughter is about to celebrate her 18th birthday, and her son, Bobby, owns a string of hot clubs. Lucky has everything. Family. Love. Life.
And everything is exactly what billionaire businessman Armand Jordan is determined to take from her one way or the other.
Born a Prince in the small but affluent Middle Eastern country of Akramshar, Armand comes to America with his American mother at an early age, and rises to become a real estate business titan. Armand regards women as nothing more than breeding mares or sexual playthings, so when his people inform him that the one property he covets more than anything, The Keys, is not for sale, he is shocked. That a mere woman would dare to turn down his offer to buy The Keys is unthinkable, and Armand vows to force Lucky’s hand whatever it takes. And so the battle for power begins . . .
Meanwhile Bobby is dealing with shady Russian investors, while his girlfriend—smart and independent Denver Jones—is becoming a Deputy D.A. in the L.A. drug unit.
And Max, Bobby’s seventeen year old sister, is busy embarking on a forbidden affair with a sexy young movie star. An affair they have to keep on the down-low lest Lucky finds out.
The word is that “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” and what happens in Goddess of Vengeance will blow your mind!
**I have one print copy up for giveaway! To enter, please leave a comment below. The winner will be chosen on Friday, October 7th. Thank you to Ann-Marie at Get Red PR for sponsoring this giveaway. Please note this is open to US/Canada residents only. Thank you!

Goddess of Vengeance by Jackie Collins

Lucky Santangelo is back! The dynamite Jackie Collins recently released number 27, Goddess of Vengeance, and the Santangelo family and friends (and enemies) are back in a big way. Goddess focuses mainly on Lucky’s daughter, the eighteen-year-old Max, as she stars to make adult decisions- like sleeping with her mom’s best friend’s soon to be ex-husband. Venus and Billy have headed for splitsville, and Billy finds himself besotted over Max, while Venus simply starts sleeping around. Lucky is somewhat in the background of the story, but her fierce determination, loyalty, and balls of steel are at no shortage. When the disgustingly sleazy billionaire businessman/Middle Eastern Prince, Armand Jordan, tries to buy out Lucky’s precious casino and hotel complex, The Keys, Lucky quickly lets him know who has the last say. And we can’t forget Lucky’s gorgeous son Bobby and new girlfriend Denver, who are trying to work through there relationship obstacles.
It’s a little difficult to write a synopsis with so many leading characters, and I always worry that readers new to the series will give up hope, but don’t! Once you start reading, it is easy to identify and connect with the jumbled cast. I really enjoyed learning more about Denver and Bobby and where there story continued from Poor Little Bitch Girl, and even diving into Max’s character more was interesting to read about. There is no shortage of raunchy scenes and vulgarity, of course, especially when it comes to Armand’s character and his dimwitted view of woman. The ending of the book really picked up for me, and I couldn’t put it down. I loved how all the characters were slowly gravitating towards one location, and had to see how it all finished. I will say that I thought the ending with Armand was a little bit of a letdown. I would have been okay with a much less easy and way out for him to die, after all his disgusting behavior and lewd acts. But other than that, another delicious and frantic story to add to the Santangelo collection!
[Rating: 4]