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Interview with Emily Giffin


Question: I heard in an interview last year that you said that you had a speaking part for Something Borrowed written into your contract. I was wondering if you made it into the movie at all?

Emily Giffin: I did. I don’t think it was a speaking part if I said that. I was incorrect about that, but it’s a cameo. There’s a little scene where I can be found on a park bench reading my book. It was a lot of fun to be on set.

Question: Was there a scene from the book that you knew absolutely had to be in the movie?

Emily Giffin: I felt very strongly that there should be flashbacks that we were able to see since the movie starts the night of her birthday party, and in books you can write flashbacks so easily.

I wanted to see into the night where things change and how Dex ended up going for Darcy instead of Rachel, and I wanted to see a feeling of how all of them got to this point in their lives.

They’re actually my favorite parts of the movie, those moments. Because I think we all have moments in our lives that we would look back to as a fork in the road or a turning point where we say that we took, you know, we broke up with that guy that night or we said this or we took this job or went to this school.

And so I really like that they capture the strong emotions of these moments.

Question: Are you Team Rachel or Team Darcy? Who are you pulling for?

Emily Giffin: I’m pulling for Rachel in this movie. And with this book, I’m pulling for Rachel because it’s her story. It’s really about her art and her learning to stand up for herself and go after what she wants. And so I really pull for her in that respect.

I think that there are a lot of stories where there’s definitely one person who you’re pulling for and there’s another person who you’re not supposed to like.

But I don’t feel that way about mine. I didn’t felt that way as I wrote the book, and I don’t feel that way as I watched the movie. It’s much more complicated than that. And even though I’m more on Rachel’s side, you know I don’t hate Darcy.

Question: I was really excited to talk to you because back in the day this book was passed around among all of my friends. We all read it. And I was really, really pleased with the casting from the movie.

Are you happy with the casting?

Emily Giffin: I loved the cast – the cast is fabulous. I mean, they’re so perfect. Ginnifer Goodwin, with her face and her expression and her hair, is so much like the Rachel I imagined. And John Krasinski, though a bit taller than Ethan, has that sort of original face that I had imagined for Ethan, but yet he is still very good looking. And then Dex is gorgeous! Colin Egglesfield is so beautiful that he’s actually a little better looking than the Dex in my mind. He really is often such a nice guy and that comes through. His performance is very sincere, and that was important to me.

And then Kate Hudson knocks it out of the park. She taps into Darcy like no other actress could. Hilary Swank says this, and I’m right there with her. She is the only one we wanted for Darcy. And that’s true even though her hair is the wrong color. Darcy is a brunette instead of a blonde. And yet, you forget about the physical characteristics as soon as you see her in that very first scene.

Question: I have a question about the other novels that you’ve written. You often come back and revisit characters from previous books. Had you always planned on doing that and how you are able to incorporate them back into the story?

Emily Giffin: I think in the beginning it was because I wrote the sequel and then there was a sense that there was going to be a series. I never intended to even write a sequel let alone a series. So part of it is just that I like to make my readers happy. And I like to give them updates of what’s going on with these characters that they love. And sort of answer questions like, “What do you think? Do you think Claudia and Ben had a baby? Or, do you think that Dex and Rachel still happy?” and so forth.

And so I think that’s really why I do that. And then a nice little by-product of that is to show the interrelatedness of the people. I like combining these different worlds.

Question: I have seen on Facebook that Something Blue is kind of in the works for possibly being made into a movie, and I was wondering if that one is already going to be going into production at some point in the near future?

Emily Giffin: That’s really the plan. They’re already working on the screenplay. Everyone’s on board, and Kate mentioned it yesterday. I anticipate that that will happen.

Question: What was the most exciting part about making the book into a movie?

Emily Giffin: Just seeing these characters brought to life is as thrilling to me as it is for I think my readers, and the fact that they kept this world right.

For example, when I saw the set of Rachel’s apartment and then when I actually saw the scenes, that’s exactly what her apartment looked like. And some of the details were even in a box. She was also wearing an apron at one point that I never described, but if I were going to buy an apron for Rachel for her birthday, it would have been that one.

So, that was a lot of fun to see that world brought to life in a much more visual way than it can be in a book.

Question: As a writer, I’m really fascinated by your books. You kind of go into taboo areas, and I think you’re very brave as we all think about these things. For instance, there’s Something Borrowed. I mean everyone’s thought about getting together with their best friend’s boyfriend or whatever. But you also go on in some of your other books, admitting that maybe it’s not so happy-go-lucky to be a mom, etc.

Have you had any trepidation or any fear about having some of these things out there? Like, I’m fascinated by how you were brave enough to put out stuff that maybe women wouldn’t want to hear.

Emily Giffin: Right. You know, I think I tried to create their world with multidimensional, real characters. Even though some mothers say, “I love being pregnant. Life is so rosy, and my husband and I never fight” I just don’t think that it’s realistic, and I think it’s unrealistic to think that our friends are never going to make us mad.

And we’re not going to never make mistakes and there’s never not going to be dishonesty between people. I think the trick is that we don’t abandon our friends. We would probably abandon our friends if they slept with our fiancée or our husband, but, for being imperfect, we don’t sort of get rid of those friends.

And we forgive people and we expect to be forgiven and so I like writing about this things. And then capturing the shades of gray of relationships. And people aren’t all black and white, and good people do some hurtful things. And people who are very obnoxious like Darcy can be redeemed. They can change.

I believe people can change and so at the same time that I write about all these missteps and mistakes and these unsympathetic tasks, I believe in redemption and hope and change. And I really believe in the forgiveness of our selves and of others.

And I think at that the theme of forgiveness has emerged in many of my books.

Question: You books are very dialogued. You have a lot of dialogue between your characters. I’m an editor, and it seems like I’m always trying to make a dialogue better. I just wondered if you have any tips on how to create great conversations between your characters?

Emily Giffin: I think that as writers we all have weaknesses as well as things that we’re good at, and dialogue is just something that I don’t really necessarily work that hard at. I feel like I have an ear for it. And I like it, so they just appear as these conversations in my mind. For me, it is harder to describe a room. Describing settings is something that I struggle with.

Questoin: This is sort of a silly question, but with the royal wedding coming up, we wanted to know if there was something that you would give to Kate as her Something Borrowed, for her wedding. What would you recommend?

Emily Giffin: I don’t think I have anything that Kate, a princess, would want to borrow. That’s a tricky one. I would like to get her that jelly bean though of her likeness. Did you see that on Yahoo? Some man found a Jelly Belly with a design on it that looks like her.

Google “Jelly Belly,” and it’ll return with Kate. And it’s going for $800 on eBay. It’s crazy. So I would get her the jelly bean as a gift.

Question: At this point, do you think that after Something Borrowed and Something Blue are produced, the other books will go into production?

Emily Giffin: Hopefully, yes. Four of them have been optioned. Hilary Swank and her partner, Molly Smith, also bought Heart of the Matter. So, we’re starting to talk about that script and that movie. So, yes, that’s the plan.

Question: Going back to the idea of writing about uncomfortable topics…did you have an impetus that caused you to start to write Something Borrowed? Did something happen in your life?

Emily Giffin: The story is not autobiographical at all. And all the characters, including Hillary who isn’t in the movie, aren’t based on anyone I know. I think one of the broader themes of this book is learning to follow your heart and go after what it is that you want. And for Rachel, it was telling Dex how she felt. And sort of being true to her heart in the context of a friendship and her feelings for Dex.

And for me, it was upon turning 30, I quit my job as a lawyer, moved to London and wrote this book. That was my dream and the things that I were going for the most and so, I could very much relate to the feeling of turning 30 and not being happy. What can you do to get happy? And what do you need to do to fix it? I had to take that risk. So that was more of how I related to Rachel. That and hating being a lawyer.

Crystal Balls by Amanda Brobyn

Tina Harding, a successful estate agent, doesn’t believe in psychics. She believes in hard work, ambition, and being able to bury the past. When her career as an actress didn’t work out, much to the chagrin of her overbearing mother, Tina launches herself full force into her new career. When property developer and sex on a stick Brian Steen gives Tina’s company the exact high profile and high dollar job that it needs, Tina believes her fate is sealed. But when she grudgingly accompanies friend and co-worker Chantelle to a psychic fair, the tables turn. Even though Tina firmly thinks psychic’s are a bunch of wackos, she ends up doing a crystal ball reading. And then another. And then one more. And then starts calling psychic hotlines. Soon, all her decisions are being based off what the fortune tellers are telling her. Could her obsession cause her to sink her company- and her chance with Mr. Right?
Crystal Balls is the debut novel by Amanda Brobyn, and it is a light and funny read. I laughed at some of the wacky scenes that Tina goes through, and my interest was held with the love connection between her and Brian. But I felt like there were a handful of unnecessary scenes in the book. Scenes that didn’t move the story forward at all, and I had to wonder why they were included. That made the book seem a bit long for me. And I never really understood what changed for Tina that made her so addicted to psychics. I think if that would have been explained a bit more, I would have been able to maybe relate to Tina better. Overall, I found Crystal Balls to be slightly lacking in some areas, but still entertaining and witty enough to recommend.
[Rating: 3]

Challenge:Post Reviews:May

May Challenge Reviews January Review February Reviews March Reviews April Reviews Please note this is not the sign up page. To sign up, click here…

Guest Post by Author Nan Parson Rossiter

Patience, Perseverance, Pluck…and Prayer!

“When I grow up I’m going to be an artist!” These words spilled from my mouth when I was the tender age of three and I never strayed from my dream. I was one of those blessed kids who just knew what I wanted to do. But life can take some unexpected turns.
In art school I narrowed down my life’s ambition to illustrator and, after graduation, I began free-lancing. What I hadn’t acknowledged yet was a talent for writing. Looking back now, though, I vividly remember two moments, in high school and in college, when two teachers suggested I become a writer. At the time, I wasn’t interested…art was my passion!
Eight years later, an idea for a children’s book slipped into my mind and I discovered that writing it was the easy part. I came up with some illustrations to go along with my words and after two years of rejection a publisher finally called. I was over the moon! Two more children’s books followed and I was on my way…or so I thought.
After my third book didn’t sell very well, my publisher said that my ideas were too quiet and, one by one, my books were remaindered. My promising career was slipping away. I continued to write and submit new stories…and receive more rejections; but I refused to give up! Years passed and still I persisted. I worked odd jobs, had an art show, raised two sons, and despaired…Would I ever be published again? And how would we, as a family, manage?
I prayed, lamented, and argued with God…Didn’t he want me to use my talents? Around this time, I did something crazy: I started writing a novel! I had no idea if I had the ability; I’d never even taken a writing class. I didn’t have an outline or a plan. The only experience I had was reading books; but I had a title…and an idea…and I’d done the hard part…I’d started!
I plugged along when time allowed, one sentence at a time, and the story took on a life of its own. Before long, I couldn’t sit down soon enough after my morning walks because it was like giving birth…and that baby was coming! I realized that I wanted it to be a story of faith and, although I didn’t know the details, I had the basic plot in my head. The story unfolded before my eyes and I found it to be almost like reading a book….except that I was writing it.
Then one day, it was finished. It had taken two years. I immediately ordered Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors, and Literary Agents, wrote a polished query letter, a brief summary, and began submitting…and praying! After two years of rejections (or no response at all!) I found an agent and, ultimately, a publisher. I was elated…and a bit deflated: the contract I signed said it would be two more years before my book was published.
It has been nine years since my last book was published. During this time, I read two wonderful books: Walking on Water by Madeleine L’Engle (author of A Wrinkle in Time) and Knit Together by Debbie Macomber. Both of these ladies endured long periods with no success and both carried on in faith and with determination. These books inspired me and kept me going. With perseverance, patience, pluck…and prayer, I can once again say, “I’m going to be published!”
Life can take some unexpected turns…so get started!

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Catherine Middleton a Princess

Kate is a princess. I was one of the many who got up early in the morning to watch Catherine Middleton marry her own Prince Charming- Price William. Kate’s dress had been highly kept under wraps, but it was revealed on Friday morning it is an Alexander McQueen gown designed by Sarah Burton, the label’s creative director. The train was two meters long, and Kate wore a long veil that covered her face as she walked up the aisle. Other highlights of the wedding:
• Kate’s sister and maid of honor, Pippa, looking absolutely stunning in a sleek ivory gown- also an Alexander McQueen.
• Prince William telling Kate she looked beautiful when she finally made it to the altar- I was lip reading.
• Princesses Beatrice and Eugenia and their fashionable fascinators.
• The looks Prince William kept shooting Kate throughout the ceremony. The love was so evident.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful, full of love and romance. Kate was the perfect mixture of a traditional and modern bride, and everything seemingly went off without a hitch. Who else watched the royal wedding? What did you think of Kate’s dress? What was your favorite part of the wedding?

Future Tour: Hollywood Ending by Lucie Simone

Hollywood Ending is a romantic comedy about life in Hollywood for the not-so-rich-and-famous. Trina Stewart is desperate to find a proper Hollywood job and finally quit teaching ESL, but after ten years in Tinsel Town, things are looking grim. That is, until she sets her sights on sexy new neighbor, Matiu Wulf, a New Zealander of Maori origin who is only in Los Angeles to get some scene design experience to beef up his resume, and then he’s headed back home to Auckland. He manages to thwart Trina’s advances, but when she falls under the spell of toothy-grinned thespian, he’s desperate to win back her heart. But when Hollywood gets in the way, these two soon discover that life in Tinsel Town isn’t all red carpet, after parties and celebrity gossip. In fact, Hollywood can be a downright bitch

When You Dare by Lori Foster

I don’t usually go for the romance novels, but something about When You Dare by Lori Foster made me say yes to reviewing it. Maybe it was the hunkalicious piece of man meat on the cover- who knows. But I decided to take a chance, and I am glad I did. I really enjoyed this suspenseful romance that has just that filling the pages- a whole lot of suspense and a whole lot of steamy romance. The main characters are Dare Macintosh and Molly Alexander, and the story begins with professional mercenary Dare rescuing Molly from Tijuana and a human trafficking setup. Molly, a best-selling author of scandalous romance novels, fears she was no ordinary kidnapping. Someone planned to take her- and that someone could possibly be her father. Or her ex-boyfriend. Or a disgruntled fan that was not happy with the way she redeemed a character in her latest book. With her life in danger, Dare decides to become Molly’s bodyguard, protecting her until they can figure out who would want Molly dead. But in the process of trying to keep herself alive, Molly starts to see Dare in a very different light. A very sexy light. And Dare is trying to keep his feelings for Molly shoved below the surface so he can keep her protected. But the more they try to ignore their feelings, the more the want builds between the two.
I thought When You Dare was excellent! Molly’s character was strong, a fairly independent chick who was ready to track down her kidnappers. And Dare was scorching the pages! You could sense his sex appeal from miles away. I thought the suspense was great, I really wasn’t positive who the culprit was until closer to the end. There were a few oddities about the story that caught my attention, like in the beginning where Molly didn’t seem at all frightened when it came to Dare, nor didn’t ask him many questions about why or how he rescued her. There were a few instances like that which I picked up on, but I still really got into the story and the characters. There were a lot times where I didn’t want to put this book down! The plot was fast paced with enough twists to keep my attention firmly on the story. Even if you aren’t usually a romance/suspense reader, I would give Lori Foster a chance. She won me over!
[Rating: 4.5]

GIVEAWAY: When You Dare by Lori Foster

Professional mercenary Dare Macintosh lives by one hard and fast rule: business should never be personal. If a cause appeals to him and the price is right, he’ll take the mission he’s offered. But then the lovely Molly Alexander asks him to help her track down the men who’d had her kidnapped—and for the first time, Dare’s tempted to combine work with pleasure.
Fiercely independent, Molly vows to trust no one until she’s uncovered the truth. Could the enemy be her powerful, estranged father? The ex-fiancé who still holds a grudge? Or the not-so-shy fan of her bestselling novels? As the danger heats up around them, the only anchor Molly has is Dare himself. But what she feels for him just might be the most frightening thing of all…

I have XXX to giveaway! To enter, just leave a comment below letting me know why you want to win- easy! The winners will be chosen Wednesday, May 4th. Thank you to Tricia Carr @ XXX for sponsoring this giveaway.