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Goodnight Tweetheart by Teresa Medeiros

When I accepted to review an advance copy of Goodnight Tweetheart by Teresa Medeiros, I wasn’t sure what I was in store for. The story was told in almost all Twitter messages, or “Tweets” (meaning 140 characters or less, for those unsure), and I questioned how a meaningful novel could come from that. But during the first chapter, I realized I had nothing I needed to worry about. The story follows Abby, who is struggling to write her sophomore novel after the huge, albeit surprise, success of her debut novel. While stuck on chapter 5, Abby joins Twitter in order to help procrastinate, and immediately meets Mark. Mark offers her tips and advice on how to use Twitter, and they soon begin an easy virtual friendship, which leads to virtual dates, which leads to Abby wondering if she really found that special someone via the Web. But when Mark doesn’t turn out to be who Abby really thought he was, she is left questioning their virtual relationship, and wondering if she possibly lost her true love.
Yes, the book is written in a majority of tweets. But I had no problem becoming involved in the characters stories. If you are looking for a fast read, I would definitely suggest this book. I think it took me two sittings to finish the entire thing. The plot is fast moving thanks to the tweets, and the characters make it humorous and fun to read. I credit Medeiros and her exceptional writing for bringing this story to life with a modern twist that I know so many other readers will appreciate. I would have given Goodnight Tweetheart five stars if it hadn’t been for the ending. It just sort of…ends. I didn’t feel the characters got much of a resolution, and was hoping to find out a bit more about their lives before it ended so abruptly. But otherwise, a fantastic story and a definite recommendation!
Rating: 4.5/5

Author Profile: Miranda Dickinson

Author Name: Miranda Dickinson


Bio: A writer. A dreamer. A hopelessly romantic, eternal optimist…
And she isn’t bad at singing, either.

Miranda Dickinson has always had a head full of stories. Coming from a creative family where stories and songs were always present, it was perhaps inevitable that she would end up adoring words. A songwriter for over 15 years, Miranda has successfully penned over thirty songs, delivering both live and recorded performances in a range of venues across the UK and Europe. Her first solo project album, About Time is due for release this year. To hear her music, visit – and be sure to leave a message if you like it!

Miranda began writing in earnest four years ago with her first novel, Coffee at Kowalski’s – a romantic comedy set in New York’s Upper West Side. This was spotted on HarperCollins’ site for unpublished authors, at the end of 2008 and was released by Avon (part of HC) as Fairytale of New York on 12th November 2009. She has also written several short stories, scripts and novel excerpts, many of which are published on Miranda is also a regular contributor for writing a range of local interest articles for the Birmingham area and national film and festival reviews.
Titles: Coffee At Kowalski’s, Fairytale of New York, and Welcome to My World
See my review of Welcome to My World
Bio Retrieved from

Interview with Maria Geraci

Q: When did you know writing was for you?
I didn’t start writing until 9 years ago. I was taking my husband to the airport for an extended business trip overseas, which was going to leave me home alone with three kids for two weeks. I was gleefully planning all the take out dinners we were going to splurge on, when the idea to write a novel came to me. Just like that. Out of the blue. I know it sounds strange, but I went home and began writing that very day. I’d always been a voracious reader, and I think somewhere in the back of my mind, the idea to write must have always been there.
Q: Where did you get the idea for your latest novel, The Boyfriend of the Month Club?
The idea came after a night spent at a friend’s book club meeting. Talking about the book only took up about ten percent of the night. The other ninety percent was spent talking about work, family, husbands, kids, and I remember thinking if these women were single, they’d be talking about men they dated!
Q: You haven written two other novels, Bunco Babes Tell All and Bunco Babes Gone Wild. Now I have never heard of Bunco, can you explain what this is and why you chose to write about it?
Before I wrote my Bunco books, I thought everyone knew what Bunco was, but boy was I wrong because I get this question a lot! Bunco is a dice game played by women. It’s like men’s poker night but instead of whiskey, cigars, and cards, think frozen margaritas, gossip, and dice. It’s a great excuse for women to get together for a girls’ night out and the perfect background for a novel about female friendships. So I wrote a book about a group of women who’ve played for years, but one of them was still single and looking for Mr. Right. It’s a great mixture of chick lit and romance. I really loved writing those books!
Q: Are you currently working on another project?
I’m working on another chit lit novel with the working title, The Ugly Girlfriend. It’s about a woman who accidentally discovers she’s the “ugly friend.” It’s not sold yet, but keep your fingers crossed for me!
Q: When you begin writing, how do you start? Do you just start typing, create your characters first, plot each chapter?
I start with an idea or a concept then flesh it out from there. The characters always seem to spin off from the concept. I do have to work up a rough outline because my agent likes to know what I’m writing, but I veer off from that outline if the story calls for it. I try not to plot too much in advance because then the story can feel stale.
Q: Social networking has been becoming all the rage. How important do you think it is to have online profiles as an author?
It’s definitely important to have an online presence. Most authors have to do a majority of their own promotion and social networking is a cheap and easy way to do it. Unfortunately, it requires a lot of time! Plus, you have to stay true to yourself. If you’re not comfortable with a certain medium (Twitter makes me twitch!) then you have to stick with what works for you.
Q: Who are some of your favorite authors?
Sophie Kinsella, Emily Giffin, Jennifer Crusie, Jane Austen, Madeline Hunter, and the list can go on!
Q: What are you currently reading?
How to Bake a Perfect Life by Barbara O’Neal. I love her writing. She’s also a wonderful person and a great mentor to other writers.
Q: Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year?
Well, I always resolve to lose weight and become more organized. Those are works in progress and probably will be for the rest of my life.
Q: Where would be your dream vacation?
I want to vacation at the beach house from the movie Something’s Gotta Give. I want to write at the desk that Diane Keaton wrote at, drink wine and walk along that fabulous beach. Oh, and if Keanu Reeves wanted to take me out for dinner, that would be okay too. Just don’t tell my husband.

Welcome to My World by Miranda Dickinson

Harriet Langton (Harri) is a travel agent because, why else, she wants to travel the world. Unfortunately for her, something always seems to get in the ways of her travel dreams. Her workaholic boyfriend, Rob, is often promising of a dream vacation, but constantly puts his work first, ruining all the romantic plans. Harri takes to living vicariously through Alex, an old childhood friend who has lived abroad and is filled with enough travel stories and memorabilia to keep Harri happy. But Alex’s mother is unhappy that Alex isn’t settled down with a nice wife yet, and strings Harri into entering Alex into a magazine contest, Bachelor style. Harri goes along with the plan, but has a feeling it could lead her best friendship into a disaster.
Welcome to My World by Miranda Dickinson is a cute romantic story. I related with Harri because I was once a travel agent as well, spurred by my love of travel, and the talks of the foreign lands in this novel was a big plus for me. But other than that aspect, the novel was a little too boring. For the first half of the book, the plot never went anywhere, and I started to get restless with the reading. After the first half, the drama started to pick up, and I started to enjoy the story much more. I wish most of the first half could have been cut out, because then I would have rated this book much higher. I did like the mystery surrounding the boyfriend Rob. I couldn’t figure him out, and when I finally thought I had, I was wrong! That aspect was probably one of my favorite parts of the entire story. I would recommend Welcome to My World, but I have to warn readers on the slow moving first half.
Rating: 3.5/5

Debut Author Spotlight: Shannon Hart

Debut Author: Shannon Hart
Debut Novel: Until the End of Forever
I met Shannon when she emailed me in hopes I would read and review her debut novel. Until the End of Forever had a catchy title and looked decidedly chick lit, so I agreed. I emailed back and forth with Shannon, and I thought she was very humble about her writing and quite nervous for me to review her book, which made me like her even more. And I was happy to report to Shannon good thoughts on Until the End of Forever. Here is a clip of my review:
“I enjoyed that the novel was written from both Sarah and Rob’s point of view. I think by having the multiple viewpoints gives readers an extra oomph on understanding and engaging with the characters. I definitely think the ending showcased some fantastic dramatic scenes, and really tied the entire story together nicely.”
Shannon was even kind enough to donate two copies of Until the End of Forever to my chick lit reading challenge! If you are interested in signing up, you can read the guidelines and access the sign up page, and anyone who posts a review in the month of January will be eligible to win a copy.
You can find Shannon on Facebook and Twitter, and she also runs an entertaining blog that I’m sure many readers and fellow writers will enjoy.

Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban, Welcome Baby Girl

Well this is shocking! Just one day after attending the Golden Globe’s, the Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman announced they have welcomed a new baby girl! No, Nicole was not hiding the most magnificent baby bump of all time, Faith Margaret Kidman Urban, was born via a surrogate on December 28th. reported the news, and said that daughter is Urban and Kidman’s biological daughter. The couple, who have been married since 2006 and have two year old daughter Sunday Rose, said in a statement, “Our family is truly blessed, and just so thankful, to have been given the gift of baby Faith Margaret. No words can adequately convey the incredible gratitude that we feel for everyone who was so supportive throughout this process, in particular our gestational carrier.”

My Stylish Blog Award

I received the fantastic Stylish Blog Award, from two separate blogs! Wow, how amazing is that? Thank you to Queen of Reading and Chick Lit Central for giving me the award. I am happy to accept it and pass it on.

And Now the Rules of the Award:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.

1. I am a huge Green Bay Packer fan.
2. I enjoy working out.
3. I am a mascara junkie.
4. I multi-task constantly.
5. I have two tattoos.
6. I wish I could ballroom dance.
7. I hate horror movies
3. Award 15 super stylish bloggers this award.

4. Contact those bloggers and let them know they have won.

Skipping A Beat by Sarah Pekkanen

Julia and Michael Dunhill are high school sweethearts living the good life. Julia runs a successful party planning business, but Michael is the real bread winner, worth millions thanks to the launch of his company DrinkUp. But when Michael goes into cardiac arrest and his heart stops beating for four minutes and eight seconds until he is revived, something changes between the husband and wife. Julia’s marriage was based on love and commitment in the beginning, but once money got involved, that had changed. Julia and Michael were business partners and sometime lovers, but the fun loving marriage they once had was taken over by business deals and corporate events. Julia had become accustomed to rarely seeing her husband, plastering fake smiles on her face at fancy dinner parties, and going to the opera. Because on the flip side, she had a gorgeous house with heated floors, a brand new car, and a wardrobe to die for. The money seemed to make her dissolving marriage worth it.
But after Michael’s cardiac arrest episode, it seems he wants to change their relationship. He wants to be the old Michael, before he became so rich and famous. He wants to donate his money and the beautiful house with the heated floors and the news cars to charities. But does Julia? Can she handle giving everything up for Michael, after so many years in stale marriage?
Skipping A Beat, the sophomore novel from Sarah Pekkanen, is a masterful piece of writing. I cried multiple times while reading, because my connection with the characters felt so real. This is a modern novel at its best, making the beautiful heroine choose between money and true love. Even though Julia’s character wasn’t likable at all times, she was honest. She made me think. And the ending….well, you’ll just have to read that for yourself! Chick lit fans will fall in love with Pekkanen’s honest and complex writing all over again.
**Note: This novel is available for preorder, and will be released in February 2011.**