Q: You have works published with a variety of topics: beauty, health, fitness, travel, etc. Where do you gain all the knowledge to write on these subjects?
I always do lots of research, but to me it’s fun digging into fields that I’m personally interested in.
Q: Do you have one favorite subject that you write about?
My background is in nutrition, so healthy eating is of particular interest to me.
Q: I just finished reading Fat Chance. Where did the inspiration for Maggie’s character come from?
Maggie’s a character who’s close to my heart because she suffers from vanity issues, as I think all women do, whether or not they are overweight. To me the book is about the larger issue of self-acceptance, not just about what the scale reads.
Q: Did you study journalism in college? I wasn’t able to find what you majored in!
No, I majored in English.
Q: You don’t only write books for adults, you have published books for young adults and children. How do you find the ideas to write for so many different audiences?
When you’re a writer the ideas are everywhere. I try to read a lot of newspapers and magazines, and often the ideas come from the short, off-beat little items.
Q: How were you able to break into the writing industry?
Actually I married a journalist and I began to see the world the way he does and see news stories everywhere.
Q: I saw that you hold reading and writing workshops at schools and libraries. Why do you think this is important to do?
Writing is such a lonely profession that it’s fun and inspiring to get away from the computer and interact with real people. When I go to schools I learn so much from kids about what works and what doesn’t in terms of picture books.
Q: You are not only a journalist and published author, but a nutritionist. In your opinion, what do you think is one of the most important nutrition lessons we should be aware of?
I think of food as medicine and believe that we have a great deal of control over our own health. I also think we have to respect the body and give it the best possible food,.
Q: What would be your best advice for aspiring writers?
Keep reading, and closely examine your favorite books to find out how the authors tell the stories and create the characters. Also, force yourself to sit down every day and write.
Q: What would be your favorite place to vacation to?
April 18, 2010