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Guest Post by Casey Crow: Do’s and Don’t …

Do’s and Don’t for Conference First Timers
By: Casey Crow

Last summer was my first time attending the RWA National Conference. Actually, it was my first writer’s conference period. In fact, I had only been a member of RWA for a whopping two months. Talk about jumping in with both feet. Heck, talk about jumping in headfirst.
Strutting around with my neon orange FIRST TIMER sticker, a.k.a. CLUELESS, I had no idea what to expect, aside from being ecstatic about four days away from life as a domestic goddess. Five ladies from my chapter joined me in Washington, D.C., and of course I couldn’t find any of them when I first arrived. My roommate was also an unknown face I connected with through a mutual author friend (thank goodness that worked out!). Over the course of the next four days, I picked up on a few tidbits that might help you not feel completely overwhelmed at your first conference.

1. EXCHANGE BUSINESS CARDS. Cynthia Eden, author of ETERNAL HUNTER (Kensington Brava) encourages everyone to “Get business cards made. Be sure to write your name, your genre, your website (if you have one), and your email address on the card. If you’ve got a fun tagline, definitely include that – the tagline will help folks to remember you!”
2. MEET PEOPLE. Realize you’re going to be surrounded by a bunch of introverts pretending to be extroverts, so this is not the time to be shy. Feel free to bust up in the middle of a group and introduce yourself. Okay, that might be pushing it, but you mustn’t hesitate to ask, “Is this seat taken?” when you head into the banquet room for lunch. Turn those seven strangers at your table into friends. Chat about where they live, what they write, and if they’re published. Sometimes, like me, you get lucky and sit next to an author you’ve recently read. Published authors are founts of information about the industry. They’ll also discuss their writing schedule, providing valuable insight on how you too can find time to write. Once again, and this of utmost importance, do not leave the table without passing out your business card. Consider it a wasted trip if you do not come home with a pocket full of networking opportunities.
3. USE PROMO MATERIALS. Even if you are unpublished, conferences are a fantastic way to get your name out there. Goody rooms are set up for fellow authors to provide free give-aways (everything from pens to books). Not only is it a great pick-me-up to munch on the Hershey Kisses attached to promo cards, but think how nice it would be if you were the author offering chocolate or some other fun item? There is no need to spend a fortune. Homemade items are fine. Remember you just want something memorable and reflective of you.
4. DRESS NICELY. Pretty much everyone wears pants, capris – nice casual outfits. Some, even well known, published authors walk around in jean shorts (I don’t recommend this), but the point is be yourself and be comfortable. Keep in mind however, that first impressions are everything. Kimberly Killion (HIGHLAND DRAGON, Kensington Zebra) explains “the conference is one giant job says interview.” The image you portray has a direct reflection on your work as an author, regardless of whether or not you think it should or want it too. For example, Hank Phillippi Ryan dresses to a tee in business suits and heels and because of such, she stands out. I remember her name and what she looks like, so the next time I see one of her books in the store I’m more likely to buy it. I’m not saying you need or should wear suits and heels. No one does, but Hank. It’s her personality, her image…her brand. Jessica Trapp wears a braid around the crown of her head just like her medieval characters. Kimberly Killion sports a beautiful Scottish plaid sash because her characters are Scottish. These ladies are marketing themselves along side their characters. It’s not always easy to distinguish between urban fantasy and inspirational authors, so remember to think of yourself as a brand and sell yourself with a personality!
5. DRESS WARM AND COMFORTABLE. Unless hot flashes are currently your friend, bring a jacket because you will freeze your tail off in those workshops. And more importantly, wear comfortable shoes. No joke, I wore my Fit Flops with my cute little sundress while walking to the pitch room (allow time for the quarter mile walk and time to find it). When I got there, I changed into my heels to meet with editors and agents. Now, grant you, that was completely unnecessary because the majority of editors and agents are in flats, but I’m short and a major girly girl so what can say? I like my heels. Again, it goes back to the brand I want to present.
6. TRAVEL LIGHT. You will receive a huge bag from RWA to carry around, but it gets heavy quickly from all the free books and goody room loot so empty it out each day and only tote around one tube of lipstick, business cards, and your laptop for workshop note taking (or my tried and true pen and paper). This bag will also come in handy for the trip home when your suitcase is overflowing from free treats.
7. ATTEND BOOK SIGNINGS. They are fun and you get free books! Okay, you might miss a workshop and wait in line an hour, but you’ll come home with your very own novel signed by THE Nora Roberts! Even if the line of a well-known author is long, stay there or they will run out of books. Also, take advantage of
meeting new authors because they A.) Greatly appreciate it when they look busy
instead of sitting around watching those trying to avoid eye contact with them.
B.) These authors are usually willing to give you helpful advice and a business
card. After all, they were probably in your shoes a year ago. They are getting
started and still need to network. Jillian Burns, Harlequin Blaze author, even
offered to critique my work within five minutes of learning I had a WIP geared
toward Blaze! It’s definitely true that romance writers are extremely supportive
of one another.
8. BUILD SHIPPING COST INTO YOUR BUDGET. I racked up three boxes of Christmas presents (mostly to me) at the book signings. You can steal boxes from the signing rooms, but know right up front that shipping them home doesn’t come cheap. In D.C., the guest hotel had a FedEx office within the hotel, which was a lifesaver. However, check their office hours and make sure you get in line early since a thousand other folks are shipping too.
9. BE READY TO PITCH AT THE DROP OF A HAT. You never know when you might bump into an editor or agent on the elevator (they are usually the ones with the name tags flipped over – in which case, do not bother them at that moment.) However, if they strike up a conversation, go for it. It’s a pretty safe bet that the ladies’ room is not the time or place either.
10. CATCH PUBLISHER SPOTLIGHTS. This is where editors give great industry info. You learn exactly what they are hoping to acquire, and you can get the inside scoop very quickly.
11. BRING A CAMERA. Imagine how fabulous your website will look with a photo of you and a New York Times Best Seller or RITA nominee at your side.
12. HAVE AN ANSWER FOR “SO, HOW ARE YOU ENJOYING YOUR FIRST CONFERENCE?” You will get asked this about a hundred times a day. Just a suggestion…you probably don’t want to say you hate it. No really, do not complain in public. If you have blisters on your toes the size of quarters, suck it up. If your favorite author turns out to be a dud in person, this is not something you should share with a complete stranger or anyone in hearing distance. You never know who’s listening and it will only make you look bad.
13. HAVE FUN! Enough said.

1. DON’T STRESS. It’s a lot to take in. Chapter conferences are more laid back because of the small numbers, whereas over a thousand women (and men) attend Nationals. Either way, relax and pace yourself. Don’t stress over attending the workshops. I sent practically two days in the pitch room and missed out on a ton or seminars, but hey – that’s why they sell the sessions on CD ROM. And, even if you wanted too, there is no way to attend everything on your wish list. Keena Kincaid, author of TIES THAT BIND (The Wild Rose Press) says, “Even seasoned conference goers can forget to take RWA national in stride. For newbies, the myriad workshops, speakers, and panel discussions can be overwhelming. Know going into it that you can’t do it all – so be selective. Take an honest assessment of your work, then put together a plan for addressing the weaknesses by going to the right workshops and discussions. No matter how interesting a career workshop may be, if you need foundational work on character development, go to the character development workshop. Otherwise, you may never have the chance to use what you learn in the career workshop.”
2. DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS. People expect it of those with FIRST TIMER stickers and they will be happy to help. For example, if there were two workshops I wanted to attend at the same time, I asked around to see what others thought. Turned out, one of my new writer friends was debating over the same two so I went to one and she the other. Then we met up later and shared notes. Asking fellow writers is the only way you are going to learn what certain editors like, which agent might be a good fit for you, and how the industry works. Finally, raise your hand during Q&A periods! Publisher spotlights and all the workshops have them, so take advantage and learn as much as you can about your craft.
3. DON’T VENT. Amanda Collins, President of the Gulf Coast RWA Chapter, warns “The one BIG thing I think newbies should remember is to be very careful about venting in public areas of the conference hotel. Romance is actually a pretty small world and even though as a newbie you might feel insignificant, at any given moment you could be one degree of separation away from the biggest names in the industry. That frumpy woman standing behind you at Starbucks could very well be the biggest editor at the NY publisher you want to buy your book. The writer standing beside you in line for the Literacy Signing, the one you tell how much you hated BIG NAME AUTHOR’s latest book, might be BIG NAME AUTHOR’s critique partner. The writer you sit next to at the Awards Luncheon, the one you tell about how unprofessional you thought the agent you just pitched to was, just might be that agent’s client. Be polite, be friendly, and above all be professional. It will stand you in good stead later on down the road.”
4. DON’T LET EXPENSES HOLD YOU BACK. Plan in advance (I know, I didn’t exactly follow my own advice here). Start saving now for July or even 2011. Some chapters hold drawings or contests, which pay registration fees. Pack cereal bars in your suitcase so you don’t spend ten bucks every time you want a snack. Getting a roommate is the biggest cost cutter. If everyone you know already has a roomie, check out writer blogs for roommate requests. They pop up several weeks and even months before the conference. Another way to save money in the long run is to kill two birds with one stone. Consider making the conference a family vacation. Come a day early and stay a day late. You’ll still get conference hotel rates, plus you, hubby, and the kiddies can enjoy the sights. You may get left out on some of the fun, but while the family is hiking the pavement in the hot sun, you’ll be salivating with your passion in the A.C. Plus, if you stay over, you miss the Fed Ex line, but again – check the office hours beforehand because they change as soon as the convention is over.
5. DON’T ATTEND RECEPTIONS YOU AREN’T INVITED TOO. I am humiliating myself in the attempt to prevent other first timers from doing what I did. Publishing houses host open houses for all attendees and they also hold receptions for “their” authors. Unfortunately, Harlequin held both at the exact same time and in my excitement, I failed to double check the location in the program book. I simply looked at the big Open House sign by the door. I’m sure that lovely Harlequin editor doesn’t remember me from Adam, and in fact was very nice about sending me on my merry way, but next time I know there are two different kinds of open houses.
6. DON’T BE RUDE TO AGENTS. Even if you’re lucky enough to already have one, please don’t say, “I already have an agent” as soon as you are introduced to one. You may be perfectly happy with your agent, but in this business, he or she may not be representing you two years down the road. Wouldn’t it be bad if that agent you snubbed at the conference now refuses to represent you because you were rude?
7. DON’T GO OVERBOARD AT READERS FOR LIFE. This is a wonderful autograph party where you buy books and all the proceeds are donated to a literacy charity. Now, unless you truly want to make a large, tax deductible contribution, all the books can be signed by the same author for FREE later on at book signings. They don’t tell you this beforehand. Actually, many veterans don’t even take a bag to the party so they won’t be tempted, but I recommend doing so because you’ll discover a ton of new authors (and famous ones) and it is for charity.
8. DON’T BRING MANUSCRIPTS. Editors and agents flew on planes just like you and have no room in their suitcase for 300 pages. If they request it, send it to them after the conference with a nice big REQUESTED label!

Finally, should you happen to be running late for the RITA Awards Banquet, it’s not the end of the world. Sitting in the last row made me first in line at the chocolate bar for the after party. Drinks come from a cash bar so put some moolah next to the lipstick in that cute little beaded bag. Yep, you wear cocktail or formal attire on the last night. I promise you’ll feel like a princess.

Casey Crow lives in south Alabama and writes contemporary romances with the tagline “Sexy, Sassy & Southern.” Though she is currently unpublished, HUSTLER’S DREAM is the first manuscript to watch out for. Visit her at

Should You Exercise While Sick?

I have been feeling a little under the weather lately, fearing I may have caught strep throat. Even though my throat hurt and I thought my forehead seemed a little warmer than usual, I pushed on with my regular workout yesterday. I got to thinking though, is that good for one’s body? I did some research on the topic today, and this is what I learned form Women’s Fitness online.
If you do not have a fever and are experiencing moderate to low symptoms, a simple exercise such as walking will be suffice. But if you are running a fever and have other symptoms such as extreme fatigue, muscle aches, or swollen lymph nodes, the exercising should be put on hold until you begin to feel better. Resting and getting more sleep will help you feel better faster. Women’s Fitness has a great indicator of whether you should work out or not, called the “neck check.” If your symptoms are above the neck, such as sneezing, runny nose, or watery eyes, go ahead with your regular fitness routine. But if the symptoms are below the neck, like nausea or achy muscles, forgo the workout until you are better.

Great Contest- Get 2 Books for the Price of 1!

There is a great contest running today that you MUST check out! Debut author Sarah Pekkanen has teamed up with chick lit favorite Jennifer Weiner so you can get two books for the price of one. Head over to and purchase a copy of Sarah’s book- The Opposite of Me, then forward your receipt on to Jennifer Weiner, along with the title of one of Jennifer’s books that you want to receive AND how you want it inscribed! Two for one- I have already ordered my book! Click Here for more details

Beauty Review: Idealist by Estee Lauder

I was one that never really understood what having pores meant; didn’t understand when other’s fretted about their large pores. Then just recently I started noticing a change on my face. I could see my pores, larger than normal, and I started feeling very self-conscious about it. Pores, which are tiny openings in the skin that provide a way for the oil glands underneath to lubricate and protect the surface of your skin, can become enlarged for various reasons. Puberty, increased amounts of oil on the face, and picking at blemishes are some of the more common reasons.

Fortunately for me, my roommate works for Estee Lauder and suggested a product after I complained to her. She recommended the Idealist, a pore minimizing skin refinisher. She got me a sample for it, and I began using it in the morning before applying my moisturizer. She did warn me that is could cause breakouts in the beginning, but works really well with continued use.

It did make me break-out within just two days of using it; I noticed my chin especially looking worse. But my skin is clearing up, and I do so an improvement. My pores look smaller and face feels better in general. The skin feels softer and has a more even tone to it. I would recommend this product for those who need to shrink there pores, but would advise against starting it if you have a big event coming up, as you will break-out right after beginning use.

You can pick up the Idealist along with other great skincare products at Estee Lauder stores or online at


Interview with Jackie Collins

Q: What made you decide to start writing?
A: I loved creating characters, and from the age of 8 I knew that’s what I was destined to do.

Q: Your novels go in depth on Hollywood and the celebrity lives. How did you start gaining the insider knowledge?
A: Because I arrived in Hollywood at 15, so I’ve had plenty of years to observe all the action. When you’re reading a Jackie Collins book you are getting the real truth, not the front page of a tabloid.

Q: I read a quote from you on your website that intrigued me. “I write about real people in disguise. If anything, my characters are toned down — the truth is much more bizarre.” Can you give just one example of a “bizarre” situation? (I’m sure you have plenty!)
A: Well, who would believe the Tiger Woods situation? If I wrote it, I’d be laughed off the page! Truth is always much wilder than fiction, and Hollywood insiders tell me everything!

Q: I have to ask a question on reality TV ‘stars.’ What is your opinion of the reality shows, and do you think the cast members of popular shows such as The Hills and Jersey Shore should be classified as celebrities?
A: Kind of fifteen minute celebrities, because once their show ends, what next?

Q: You are not only a novelist, but have produced many works as well. How were you able to get into producing?
A: I decided I wanted the movies of my books to bring my characters to life. So to gain control, when I did a deal to make a movie of my work, part of the deal included me as one of the producers. I really enjoy the producing process.

Q: I read that you are writing a play, Jackie Collins Hollywood Lies. Can you tell us more about that?
A: It’s a fun project about a pop star fresh out of rehab, whose mother has gained conservatorship and taken over her life. Chaos ensues!

Q: You have achieved so many successes in your professional life, with writing and producing and topping multiple best-seller lists. What is one your proudest accomplishments in your personal life?
A: My daughters! I have three, and they are fantastic, smart, strong, beautiful women. They are my greatest accomplishment. Then comes 27 novels!

Q: Your novel, Poor Little Bitch Girl, just came out February 9th. Where did you get your inspiration for this particular story?
A: I live in Hollywood. Inspiration is all around me! I wanted to write about a role-model career woman, and 25 year old Denver is just that. She’s feisty, great at her job as a lawyer, but also prepared to dip into the relationship scene with great gusto. “Poor Little Bitch Girl” was so much fun to write.

Q: I get overwhelmed looking at all you do! How do you find free time for yourself and how do you spend it?
A: I am a TiVo junkie! Love relaxing while watching all my fave shows – “Dexter,” “Brothers & Sisters,” “Big Love,” “Modern Family,” I could go on and on!!

Q: What would be the best advice you could offer to aspiring writers?
A: Do not talk about it – do it!!

Q: I read that you like to visit exotic locations. What would be one of your favorites?
A: Paris and some of the smaller islands in Hawaii. A city and an island. Great combination!

Dancing With the Stars Cast Revealed

The new Dancing With the Stars cast has been revealed, and I can’t say I’m exactly thrilled. But here are the celebrities:
1. Pamela Anderson-actress
2. Chad Ochocinco-NFL player
3. Aiden Turner-soap actor
4. Erin Andrews- ESPN reporter
5. Shannen Doherty- actress
6. Buzz Aldrin- astronaut
7. Niecy Nash- actress/producer
8. Nicole Scherzinger- singer
9. Kate Gosselin- reality TV star
10. Evan Lysacek- Olympic figure skater
11. Jake Pavelka- current Bachelor

What are your opinions on this cast? Dancing With the Stars returns to ABC on Monday, March 22nd.

Healthy Recipe: Mediterranean Chicken and Pasta

If anyone was following my Twitter updates yesterday, you realized that I hate grocery shopping, I hate cooking, and I was having immense struggles trying to figure out something healthy and easy to prepare. Well after a disastrous trip to the grocery store and buying little to no food, I got recipes in my inbox this morning from Women’s Health Magazine. Each recipe takes approximately 20 minutes to prepare, are healthy, and somewhat simple to make. My favorite recipe was the Mediterranean Chicken and Pasta- as chicken and pasta are two of my staples. Check out the recipe and ingredients below:

Makes: 4 servings
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
1 6-ounce jar marinated artichoke hearts
1 tablespoon olive oil
12 ounces skinless, boneless chicken breast, cut into bite-size pieces
3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
1/4 cup chicken broth
1/4 cup dry white wine
1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed
1 7-ounce jar roasted red peppers, drained and cut into strips
1/4 cup pitted kalamata olives
3 cups hot cooked campanelle or penne pasta
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese (optional)
1. Drain artichoke hearts, reserving marinade, and chop them. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat; add chicken and garlic. Cook and stir until chicken is brown. Add the reserved artichoke marinade, broth, wine, and dried oregano.
2. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, 10 minutes. Stir in chopped artichokes, roasted peppers, and olives.
3. To serve, spoon chicken mixture over pasta. If desired, sprinkle with feta cheese.
Nutrition facts per serving: 347 calories, 26g protein, 38g carbohydrate, 9g fat (1g saturated), 3g fiber

Get more recipes from WHM by clicking here. Bon Appétit!

Christina Milian Welcomes Daughter

It’s a girl for Christina Milian! The R&B singer, 28, and husband, rapper The Dream, welcomed daughter Violet on Friday, has confirmed. The couple married in September and announced their pregnancy in October. This is the first child for Milian and the fourth for The Dream, who has three children with ex-wife, singer Nivea.

Jennie Garth to Write Children’s Books

Another cast member of Beverly Hills: 90210 is going to be a children’s author! Jennie Garth has followed in the footsteps of former co-star Tori Spelling and will pen her own children’s books, according to Usmagazine. Garth says, “I just signed a two-book deal to start my own children’s books.” The books will be aimed at children aged 3-8 and will be first released February of 2011. Negotiations are still in the process of what exactly the books will be about.