Perfectly Posh: Reviews, Party & Giveaway!

I’m super excited for today’s post, because it’s going to be a different one. I’m going to be reviewing a few products from Perfectly Posh, and I also have a giveaway plus an online party for you with a chance to earn free gifts! This post is in conjunction with my Youtube video that is live now, so be sure to give that a view so you can see the products I’m reviewing plus what you can enter to win! The Rafflecopter will be at the end of this post, and please use that to get entered. Good luck!

perfectly poshFirst, I want to thank Ashley, who is the cover designer for Marching Ink, for approaching me with Perfectly Posh! I had a heard a little about the company, but I hadn’t tried out any of the products yet. She offered to send some to me for review, plus offered up a giveaway and the online party. I’m so happy to work with her on this!

A little more about Perfectly Posh:

  • Pampering products made in the USA
  • Gentle, natural ingredients
  • No parabens, paraffins, sulfates, lanolin, or fillers
  • Lots of natural butters and essential oils
  • Many vegan options
  • No animal testing

All sounds pretty good, right? Let’s hop into my reviews!

First, I will talk about the product that I want you and everyone to go get! It’s called the Snarky Bar, and it’s my absolute best friend right now. I have my full review in the Youtube video, and I’ve used it several more times after that was filmed and am still absolutely loving this. If you want to try something from this company but you aren’t sure what, get this one!

The next product I mentioned but wasn’t able to review in the video was the Heebie Jeebie Foot Peel Kit. I have since tried it out, but I’m not sure I’ve given it enough time for the peel to start happening. What you do is put the gel on the bottom of each foot, wrap your foot in the provided booties plus socks, and let it sit for an hour, then shower and wash it off. It says it can take 5-7 days for the peel to start, and I’m on day 5 as I type this. I can tell a little bit is peeling, on the thin parts of my feet, if that makes any sense, but the full on peel hasn’t happened yet. I’m really hoping it does though, because this could be a pretty cool product 🙂

Next was another favorite of mine, and I am using this like a fiend every day. It is the Oh, Peaches Sugar Scrub for you lips, and I’m obsessed with it. I finally took it out of my bathroom and put it on my desk, because I apply it so often. It smoothes out my lips and it smells really good, and even after the scrub part washes away, I still have a lip gloss of sorts on. Love it!

The last item I had to review was the Posh Pink Lip Dye, and I was excited to get this because I am a big lippie lover. I also love pink, so we were pretty much the perfect match! I like that this smells really good, plus it’s super creamy. It’s really bright pink in the jar, but it doesn’t go on too overbearing. I like to wear it alone, or even over another lighter pink shade of lipstick to give me a glossy look with a little oomph.

ppgiveawayNext up, the giveaway! Again, be sure to head to YouTube to see everything you can win! Ashley put together a great kit for you, and I will be shipping this out to the winner. Perfectly Posh does only ship within the US, so for that reason this giveaway will be US only. The giveaway will close on Monday, June 1 so hurry!

And the last bit – a party! Ashley has set up a party that you can find here: and if you order $50 or more, she will be sending you a free gift! There are a ton of wonderful products to choose from, great for summer time and pampering, and I give a few gift ideas in my video as well. I think some of these products could be amazing bridal shower gifts, or bridesmaid gifts if any brides are reading this! And there is nothing wrong with pampering ourselves either 🙂 When visiting the party, be sure you are in Samantha’s Party so you get the free gift with your $50 purchase from Ashley. And please, let me know what you get!

I know this post is long and a bit different, but I really hope you like it! The Rafflecopter for the giveaway is below, and more information and details can also be found on Youtube. The giveaway plus the online party closes Monday, June 1, so be sure to get to shopping and entering. Good luck!


  1. May 28, 2015 / 12:19 am

    Walk on the Beach body wash!

  2. Janine
    May 28, 2015 / 8:06 am

    I have never heard of this line. It sounds like there are some awesome products.

  3. Brandi Defries Swendt
    May 28, 2015 / 10:18 am

    Super excited about all of the giveaway products, especially the coconut oil and Apricot face product.
    Definitely looking into the Foot peel you received for review.
    Thanks for the the chance

  4. May 28, 2015 / 10:47 am

    The heebie jeebie foot peel kit sounds fun! All of the products sound worth trying!

  5. latanya
    May 28, 2015 / 12:42 pm

    NIGHT & DAY OLIVE AND LAVENDER moisturizer sounds good.

  6. Missa D
    May 28, 2015 / 6:36 pm

    This product line sounds fantastic. I can’t wait to try some of it!

  7. Melissa
    May 29, 2015 / 2:47 am

    Natural products are good for me because my skin is so sensitive.

  8. May 30, 2015 / 11:42 pm

    Madi I do have some of that body wash!!!

  9. May 30, 2015 / 11:43 pm

    Feel free to message me with any questions or maybe about having a party to earn free product!!

  10. Bethany Clark
    June 1, 2015 / 10:41 am

    The entire line sounds fabulous!