Back again to rank all of the palettes I used throughout the month of May; old and new. I am so glad you are enjoying this series, and it appears other creators have adopted this style of video as well if you are looking for more.
For a look at all the eyeshadow products I used in the month of May, and where they ranked, be sure to watch my YouTube video linked below.

Bottom 2 Eyeshadows
At the bottom, I’m putting the ColourPop Gettin’ Fresh palette. It’s not awful, but it’s really not for me. Not only is this large 30-pan palette just way too big for my preferences, I was also not loving the first look I did with this palette in this GRWM. It’s overwhelming, and it’s dupe-able. Now, if you’re someone who would prefer to just buy one bigger palette, instead of a couple of their smaller palettes, then this mega palette might be for you. But it’s not for me. I have the pink in their new Won and Done, and the greens in the Limelight.
It’s going to seem like I’m picking on ColourPop in this ranking, but hear me out. In 9th place, I have the ColourPop Star Wars palette. I am not a Star Wars fan, clearly. Were you there for the Lucas Skywalker moment? I did think the inclusion of a couple more unique shades in the palette, Outer Rim and Space Pirate, were a fun touch. Pops of red and blue were interesting, and the artwork looks great. Again, it’s a bit bigger than I typically like my palettes these days. If you are a fan of Star Wars, you may like this more.
Top 2 Eyeshadows
In the #2 spot, we have a Swedish indie makeup brand, Oden’s Eye Solmane 2 palette. This is a beautiful, more colorful palette. I brought it with me in my travel makeup bag to NYC. I consistently receive compliments when I wear this palette. The shimmers are on another level! This is currently sold out, but I believe a restock is coming soon. This whole collection was a hit. You can use the code SAMANTHA to save some money as I am now an affiliate with Oden’s Eye.
We started this ranking with a 30-pan palette and now, in the number 1 spot we have … trios. The new Kaja Stacks stole first place! I have been a fan of these stacked trios for a while; Neutral Moment is a staple in my collection. They recently released two new ones, Peach Madeline, and Mauve Bouquet. Both are absolutely stunning and I cannot recommend them enough! I was getting compliments from friends and strangers alike when I wore either of these new palettes. Simple, quick, beautiful looks, in a compact little stacked trio.
For all 10 eyeshadows ranked, be sure to watch my YouTube video below. In the description box, you will also find links to all the demos. Let me know in a comment what your favorite palette of the month was.