Relief For Dry, Damaged Hair

deep conditioning hair treatmentsAll this dry weather does nothing good for my hair, which is naturally uncontrollable. My hairdresser is always suggesting using a deep conditioning treatment about once a week to help breathe some life and moisture into my locks, so I finally decided to see what it’s all about. I browsed online looking for some at home treatments because a friend had told me she makes her own recipe instead of buying expensive bottles at the salon. So I figured I could do the same, save myself some money and get better looking hair.  


The recipe I settled on was from and seemed pretty straightforward. Ingredients: 1 cup of mayonnaise (preferably room temperature), ½ cup of olive oil, and three eggs. Blend all ingredients together, then apply thoroughly to hair, adding more on the ends. Use a shower cap or old towel to wrap around your head, keeping the heat on your strands. Leave on for 10-20 minutes depending on the length of your hair, then wash out thoroughly. Don’t shampoo after you use this treatment! The next day when you shower, shampoo and condition as usual.


My hair did feel better after using this treatment, though for that first day it did feel a little oily, so I would suggest making sure you do it when you are not going out! But after the next shampoo, I could tell that there was more shine, and it felt better to touch. If you are suffering from dry hair as well try out this or another deep conditioning treatment to get some results!


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