The drooling continues on with Savor the Danger, the next in line from Lori Foster and her hunky mercenaries. This story focuses on Jackson and Alani, Trace’s younger sister. The two wake up in bed together after a night of passion, but Jackson can’t remember a thing. He knows he’s been drugged, but he doesn’t know by who or why. Alani is devastated that Jackson doesn’t remember being with her, or the words he said to her in the middle of the passion. Jackson and Alani tiptoe around their true feelings, afraid of what the other is truly thinking. I really loved Savor the Danger, and I was a bit worried after Trace of Fever fell flat for me. I loved that the action started right away, and not just the sexual stuff. Since the story opens with Jackson waking up not remembering anything, I was immediately intrigued by what was going on and who was after him. I was gripped throughout the story, and loved learning about Dare, Trace, and their wives. This is such a fun and intense series and I definitely recommend. Will be looking forward to the next book!