Skin Cancer Annual Checks

full body checksI went to the dermatologist today to get my first full body check. I have frequented tanning beds in the past, and do occasionally go outside without slathering on the SPF, and read in my Shape magazine that annual derm checks are a smart idea. I had also found a spot under my right eyelid that was causing me concern. Again while reading Shape, I came across a story a young woman had wrote in about her experience with skin cancer. She had a found a spot on her eyelid that looked like a pimple, but couldn’t pop it and it never went away. Months later when she finally had it checked out, it ended up being skin cancer. The spot under my eyelid looks like a pimple but I can’t pop it, and has been there for about six months now. After reading that article, I called my dermatologist the very next to schedule my appointment.

The first thing my doctor did was check out that spot. Luckily, I had good news- no skin cancer. He said it was simply a small cyst that could come from a clogged pore. Popped it with a needle, and it was done. Relief. Next came the full body check. I wasn’t even really sure what this was, or what I was going to have to do, but it was really simple. The nurse gave me a gown that I put on, and the doctor checked out my whole body- my feet, scalp, armpits, etc. He asked if I had any moles or freckles that I had noticed that were changing, to which I answered no. I actually don’t have a whole lot of moles or freckles, probably only five that I can see on my body, so I really wasn’t too worried about the check. But, with the UV tanning I have done in the past, I would much rather be safe than sorry. The body check took less than three minutes and the doc gave me the all clear. Good for another year, unless I should notice any spots changing. It’s important for everyone to keep tabs on their skin, that way you can tell if a mole is changing in size or color. Thanks to Shape for consistently bringing up the topic of skin cancer and the importance of getting body checks!