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Baby Talk: 9 Months Old

Ethan will officially be 9 months old this upcoming Tuesday (the 26th) and it hit me a few days ago that I need to start planning his first birthday party. Holy cow, right? When did this little guy become almost a whole year old?

Ethan 8.5 months 2Let’s see, so what has Ethan been up to? Absolutely everything! It is crazy to think about all of the things that he can do now vs. what he could do a month ago. Ethan is VERY mobile these days. He is standing and shuffling along items and I know that it is only a few weeks until he will be full on walking. Crazy, right? Another key milestone, the little guy has been sleeping really, really well. In the past two weeks I’ve actually had to wake him up a few times for school, which I’ve never had to do his whole life. I sure have been enjoying it though!

Here are a few updates about life at 9 months:

Food: My boy is an still quite an EATER! There really isn’t anything new with this one, but we are about to start introducing a few new foods and I will probably have a big update next month about how he does with it all.

Favorite Toys: Ethan has been really big into playing with empty bottles, empty containers and pretty much anything that isn’t actually a toy. He also has quite the fondness for books. Maybe he is used to always seeing mommy with a book in hand that he now favors them as well. I’m definitely not complaining.

Things we’ve left behind: Pretty much any and all props, we haven’t used his swing in weeks.

Teeth: Still none. But, he’s had a fluctuating fever all week and tons of drool, so we might have one on the horizon.

Ethan V-DayFavorite activities: Standing, Letting go of things to work on his balance, Crawling, playing, eating, story time, walks, going to the playground and ANYTHING outdoors.

Daycare: Still loves it. One of his teachers has quite the soft spot for him.

Height/Weight: Oh goodness. Not entirely sure but he is big!

Baby Talk: 8 Months Old

My little baby has officially become a little boy. It is crazy to think about all of the things that Ethan now does that he couldn’t do months, weeks or even days before. Every day brings something brand new and I have got to say that this has been such an exciting time for us. His personality is really coming through and he Ethan is going to be one silly boy and I cannot wait to see it!

My husband and I are constantly trying to snap pictures and videos of him because he is growing and learning at lightning speed and I am so scared that we might miss something. But, I think Ethan is on to us because as soon as he sees our phones come out, he stops doing whatever he is doing completely. What a stinker, right?

Food: My boy is an EATER! And just like his momma, he loves his veggies! By far his favorite is sweet potato but he has a soft spot for bananas and also for strawberries. Oh, and he loves those little cereal puffs too. I spread them out on his feeding tray so he doesn’t grab too many at once, but he has become a very good self-feeder. I also still nurse him exclusively, so I am glad to say that I have made it this far. Honestly, I am so glad!

Favorite Toys: Goodness, this boy loves everything! He struck gold big time at Christmas this year and our house is over flowing with toys right now. But, a few of his favorites are his Radio Flyer bike (that me and his dad take him for walks in), his standing table, his monkey and elephant rattle, a ball and his stacking cups.

Things we’ve left behind: Pretty much any and all props. He still uses his swings …. sometimes.

Teeth: Still none.

Favorite activities: Crawling, standing, playing, eating, story time, walks, having conversations with his dad (that involve some weird noises) and ANYTHING outdoors.

Daycare: Still loves it.

Height/Weight: Oh goodness. Not entirely sure but he is big!

Baby Talk: Life at 4 Months

Goodness. To say that time has flown by would be an understatement. Ethan officially turned 4 months old on Wednesday the 26th and for once, I actually believe it. This month has been huge as far as development goes. Ethan is full of energy and curiosity and treats everyday like a brand new day. As a new parent, you hear often that the first three months are kind bland. Yes, you are on complete survival mode, trying to make it from one minute to the next, but the baby just doesn’t do as much as you once thought he would. But boy, that all changes once you hit the 3-4 month mode. Ethan has now officially found his voice (squealing and yelling for fun), his feet (which are his new best friends), his hands (which immediately shove everything right into his mouth), and he is now mobile! Yep, that’s right, the little guy is really going places these days.

In addition to all of these new developments, he just looks like a completely different kiddo. He doesn’t look brand new anymore and is slowly developing into an actual boy, not just a baby. Although I am sad to see his newborn stage slowly drift behind us, this new stage has been so much fun! He is so excited to interact with us and has quickly become the cool kid at daycare (watch out little girls, I have also told him that y’all have cooties!). Slowly but surely we are developing a routine and the nights have gotten easier (knock on wood as I type this). He usually sleeps from 7pm to 6am with one feeding around 2am. I’m definitely hoping that we are past the sleep regression we saw for most of the last month because boy, I wasn’t sure I was going to make it much longer. LOL! But, life with a baby has been amazing. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings … or the many, many days after that.

Food: Still nursing but slowly toying with the idea of introducing a few solids. We were supposed to start cereal but with the new arsenic scare, I think I am going to skip it all together.

Favorite Toys: Exersaucer (or anything that allows him to stand and play), his play mat, his monkey rattles, and his big brother’s floppy ears

Things we’ve left behind: He is completely over his bouncer, boppy and definitely starting to resist the swing.

Teeth: Still none but I think we have one in the works.

Favorite activities: Playing, eating, story time, walks and ANYTHING outdoors.

Height/Weight: Nothing official yet but we’re thinking 26 inches and around 17 lbs. Will update next week at his appointment.

Baby Talk – Top Five Baby Necessities

I became a new mom on May 26, 2012. Since then, my life has become quite the whirlwind and I am constantly learning new things.…