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Book Review: The Youth Corridor by Gerald Imber MD

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Dr. Imber shows women and men how to keep the signs of aging at bay with a prescriptive, common sense plan of skin care, exercise, vitamins & diet, stalling & often eliminating the need for surgery. By following the earliest & most basic treatment for skin care & maintenance, you can maintain a youthful appearance for a lifetime. You can return your skin to the exuberance of the youth corridor — the years between 30 & 55 during which the most drastic physical changes occur. Imber’s easy-to-follow regimes & helpful illustrations make timeless beauty a reality. This book also catalogs beauty products that give women the best results & describes successful procedures in plastic surgery.
I was a bit disappointed by this book. I started reading it with a notebook next to me, ready to jot down notes and get to shopping. Unfortunately, it seems the book is just filled with big words and not a lot of substance. What did I write down? “Alpha Hydroxy Acids.” Bummer. Only one section really interested me, at the end where he broke down skin care routines by ages. But what was said I already know, either from online, or what my best friend (a clinical esthetician) tells me. It also tells us not to run, never to have a second portion at dinner, and to cut out desserts entirely. Ouch. I was hoping for a book to help me better myself, not just turn to Botox, surgery, and be miserable and hungry.
2 stars

Skin Rules by Debra Jaliman, M.D.

I am all about caring for my skin. I stopped going to tan beds in college, I read product reviews, I slather on sunscreen everyday – summer or winter. So I was thrilled to read Skin Rules by Debra Jaliman, M.D. and one of the top New York dermatologists. With 77 tips filling the pages, I quickly soaked in all the advice she had to offer, and have to say I am super impressed with this book! I know it will not be leaving my bookshelf, because I’ve already gone back three times to look up a product or recommendation. I have changed the way I wash my face – from once at night to both morning and night. It might seem pretty obvious, but I never thought of all the germs that make it on to my pillowcase at night. There are so many great product recommendations – from over the counter cleansers, prescriptions for eyelash lengtheners, to laser procedures to help sculpt a body. I definitely recommend you give this book a read!
[Rating: 5]