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Beware: Authors Bashing Reviewers

Well, well, well. My, my, my. Where to begin? I was having a favorable Wednesday until I was alerted via Twitter that an author was bashing me- publicly. My first thought was, that can’t be right! Who would do such a thing? I clicked on the lovely link to find a post on the blog Authors Helping Authors titled “Authors Beware of Unprofessional Reviewers.” Again I thought to myself, Am I unprofessional? That can’t be right! Who would do such a thing? If you haven’t read the post yet, I suggest you do, and let me know what you think. I didn’t want to write anything in response to such a massacre of character, but watching this whole thing blow up online…well, I have to.
Sylvia Massara contacted me and asked me to review The Other Boyfriend. She contacted me, not the other way around, just so we’re all clear. I agreed, read the book, and gave my review. If anyone thinks my review is inappropriate it, let me know. I have been blogging for close to two years now, and I never once have gotten a response like this to a review. I have written reviews before for books that I didn’t like, I don’t like every book I’ve read. But I have never, nor will I ever, bash an author on a personal level. I don’t name call them, demoralize their character, or put them down in any way. I read something I don’t like, I will always add something positive to the review, which I did in Sylvia Massara’s case. Also, when I write these critiques, they are my hope that the author will read them and take something away from what I am saying. I have received many emails back from authors thanking me for taking the time to read and review their work. Thanking me for putting critiques in my review, and noting that they will keep that in mind for the next novel they write. I work as a freelance editor, and have received multiple job requests from authors who read my reviews and understand what I am trying to say, and how I am trying to help them.
As for the name calling Sylvia so kindly added to her post. Calling book bloggers, myself in particular, a “smartass” “unprofessional” and “trashy.” Again, let me point to my review of The Other Boyfriend. I never said anything to this manner about Sylvia, I even said I would look forward to reading her next novel. Putting me down by saying I’ve probably never wrote anything but “a grocery list.” Why does she think I’m a book blogger? I started Chick Lit Plus because of my passion for reading and writing. I love getting the opportunity to read books and write my own articles on topics that interest me. I love working with authors and other readers to promote books. I will point out here the obvious- I am not paid to be a book blogger. Sure I can hope I receive a measly $10 in commission from Amazon each month- by promoting author’s books. I have to take time out of my day to read the countless number of books I receive. I have to take time out of my day to write the reviews, profile the authors, come up with interview questions. I have to take the time out of my day to post to my blog, to keep my posts fresh and new. I work full time at a hospital, receive many freelancing jobs on the side, and still need to have somewhat of a life. I have family, friends, and a boyfriend who constantly tries to get me to shut down my computer at a decent time at night so I can get some sleep and stop working. Who am I working for? Authors. For free.
And about me never writing more than a grocery list. First, I hardly ever write grocery lists. I prefer to wander up and down every aisle so I don’t miss anything. Second, if you took a look at my blog, you could see I write a bit more. I have many articles that I’ve written for Chick Lit Plus, and for other sites as well. Third, I am in the process of writing my own book. I can’t spend quite as much time each day that I would like to on my manuscript because I am too busy reading, writing reviews, and maintaining my blog. Did I mention that I pay a yearly fee to keep my blog running? Is any author going to pay me for that? I didn’t think so.
To wrap this up, I am horrified by Sylvia Massara’s post. The blatant unprofessionalism, the name calling, and the finger pointing at myself and the lovely Rowena with Book Binge. If you didn’t like my review, send me an email letting me know. Give me a chance to explain myself before you try to discredit me from the book blogging world and basically call me a fraud. Sylvia- did you happen to see the Mailbox post I put out just this morning? It has your novel Like Casablanca in it. More promoting, just for you. You can believe that will be taken down and your novel deleted from my Kindle. Thank you for warning me to stay away from you and your tainted words. And by “laughing your way to the bank with your huge royalty checks” makes all your readers sound like your minions, doing nothing more but paying your bills. A huge thank you to all the fabulous people who have been supporting me throughout today. A special shout out to all the book bloggers, who work so hard and don’t receive enough credit for what they do. I feel truly special to have joined your world and can proudly say that I am an avid reader and a book blogger.