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Book Review: The Ghost of Lily Painter by Caitlin Davies

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
The first time Annie Sweet sees 43 Stanley Road, the Victorian house is so perfect she almost feels as though it has chosen her. She longs to move in, but with her husband increasingly distant, and her daughter wrapped up in her friends, Annie is left alone to mull over the past. Soon she becomes consumed by the house and everyone who has lived there before her, especially a young chorus girl called Lily Painter. As Annie delves further into Lily’s past she discovers a dark episode of two notorious baby farmers. Until Annie solves the mystery at the heart of the scandal, the ghost of Lily Painter will never be able to rest.
I love a good old mystery that comes with a past, and The Ghost of Lily Painter kept me up in the night as I couldn’t put it down. There’s a lot going on in the story – Annie’s personal life, the mystery of the past, the baby farmer twist. It was like reading a history lesson as well as a good book. I learned a lot about a topic I didn’t know much about, but the storyline on all fronts was really strong. Great ending, though I thought it was pretty easy to figure out, but still a great book overall. I quickly recommended this book to several people, and I recommend to you as well!
4 stars