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On Tour: The Champagne Diet by Cara Alwill Leyba

Cara will be on tour December 30- January 6 with her novel The Champagne Diet This book is for the woman who wants to feel good…

Future Tour: The Champagne Diet by Cara Alwill Leyba

Cara will be on tour December 3o-January 6 with her novel The Champagne Diet This book is for the woman who wants to feel good about…

Blog Tour Sign Up: The Champagne Diet by Cara Alwill …

This book is for the woman who wants to feel good about herself and her body, and learn how to start incorporating healthy habits into her life. It’s for the woman who doesn’t want to trade in her champagne for skinny jeans. It’s for the woman who is done with dieting, and ready to start paying attention to her health before that number on the scale. It’s for the woman who is ready to stop letting her weight define her, and is ready to understand why it always did. This is not a diet book. This is a lifestyle guide. This book will change the way you view your weight and yourself forever. You will walk away feeling empowered, inspired, and downright sexy (and probably craving a glass of bubbly). You will learn how to celebrate yourself and your body. You will learn to make your health a priority, always. And most importantly – you will learn to love yourself, exactly as you are. So get ready to embark on a complete dieting and lifestyle overhaul, sister. You are now on The Champagne Diet!

Author Profile: Cara Alwill Leyba

Author: Cara Alwill Leyba Website: Bio: Cara Alwill Leyba is a best selling author, and certified life and wellness coach from New York City…

CLP Blog Tours Book Review: Sparkle by Cara Alwill Leyba

Cara Alwill Leyba is on tour now with CLP Blog Tours and Sparkle: The Girl’s Guide to Living a Deliciously Dazzling, Wildly Effervescent, Kick-Ass Life. The cover attracted me at first glance, a cute pink planner/diary that I knew would be filled with great tips and tricks on improving myself and having more confidence. After I finished, I felt that Cara and I were best friends. I have been lucky to get to know her better through her blog tour, and after reading the book she is someone I definitely look up to. Women spend so much time not only down on themselves for one thing or another – but they are often quick to look down on other women. I can’t even tell you how many girls can still make me feel inadequate, so reading something that is all about female empowerment was just wonderful. I love the stories that are shared, the chapter break-downs, and the feel-good feeling I was left with after I finished. As we head into 2013, I think this is a book every women should give a chance. When a new year comes resolutions are made and goals are thought of, and I think this book really gave me a lot of new ideas to incorporate into my life. I definitely thought of Cara and Sparkle on New Years Eve as I did a champagne toast with my girlfriends!
[Rating: 4]

On Tour: Sparkle by Cara Alwill Leyba

Cara will be on tour December 17-January 7 with her novel Sparkle As women, we have become professional self-critics. We’ve become so convinced by society…

Future Tour: Sparkle by Cara Leyba

Cara will be on tour December 17-January 7 with her novel Sparkle As women, we have become professional self-critics. We’ve become so convinced by society…