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Charming Tuesday: A Beauty Favorite

Charming Tuesday Product of the Week: Nail Polish

Samantha’s Must-Have:

I’ll admit – I’m a bit of a spa junkie. For the past few months I have been obsessed with the Shellac manicure, and go about once a month to the salon to get it done. It’s so nice not to have my nails chip for two weeks! Everyone once in a while I get pedicure too, but not nearly as often as a mani. I don’t mind giving myself a pedi at home, and I have a bunch of supplies I bust out – buffers and foot lotions, the foot bath, etc. My favorite nail polish as of late has come to me through a Birchbox – Color Club Neon Nail Polish. Neon is so in right now, everything from clothing to shoes to polish. I received the green, and got so many compliments on the color. I recently purchased a set so I have all the colors, and this will definitely help save some money at the spa!

Sara’s Must-Have:

I am the absolute worst about removing nail polish, so, whenever I do my nail, I want to be sure that whatever I use is going to last a while. I’ve been hearing about Sally Hansen nail polish strips for quite sometime, and up until a few months ago, I had never tried them. I was hesitant because of many reasons: the price, the level of difficulty, not knowing whether or not they would work….but I finally bought a box and haven’t looked back. They are so easy to apply and most of the time, the strips last two weeks on my fingers tips. They strips are also very shiny and always make me feel like I had a professional manicure, even though I only applied them myself. My favorites are “Kitty, Kitty” which are a leopard print, as well as the bright greens and yellows that they have for summer time. I highly recommend that you swing by and some up- they’re always a lot of fun!