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CLP Blog Tours Book Review: SkinnyTinis by Teresa Marie Howes

Teresa Marie Howes is now on tour with CLP Blog Tours and Skinnytinis. Yes, I enjoy myself a cocktail every now and again. This tour came at a great time for me, as I am getting married in September and stepping up my workout game and trying to watch my diet carefully. I am attempting to cut waaay back on soda, and one area that I was a bit concerned was what to drink at the bar. I typically drink soda with my liquor, so I eagerly dove into this book for some more ideas. And I needn’t be worried – this is full of great drink ideas, tips, and insight. While there are over 70 recipe ideas for drinks, this is more than just a recipe book. Teresa includes insight on what liquors are higher in calories and even which garnishes can be high in calories! She includes workout tips as well, and this is really an all-around go-to book that I think you need to have. I printed off several recipes and have them sitting in my alcohol cabinet for when I need an idea or want to check a calorie intake. I loved it!
5 stars