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Confessions of a Cake Addict by Emma Kaufmann

The hilariously written Confessions of a Cake Addict follows Kate Pickles, hilarious and charming Londoner, as she hits rock bottom. She is completely unaware of what she is doing in life and can do nothing but complain to her bit sister Laurie in Australia. Kate is miserable at work and has a boss that takes advantage of her day in and day out, and a best friend who has the dating life that she would kill for … yet Kate does nothing but sit back and eat cake. She sits down and writes out all of her complaints in a series of “confessions” via letter and emails to her sister but it isn’t until her best friend convinces her to take a trip to Vienna where her life gets turned upside down. Kate falls in love and may have just stumbled upon the job of a lifetime.

Confessions of a Cake Addict brings the laughs and kicks traditional romance in the butt. This book will make you laugh out loud (which a lot of books promise but under deliver) and root for Kate to finally find happiness. Emma Kaufmann is one hell of a comedic author and she does a fabulous job at creating honest characters that you are able to laugh along with. And heck, who can go wrong with a cake addict? I’m pretty sure that I may have become addicted to cake after going on some of the dates that Kate goes on….some of those men sure were doozies! Overall, a fun read for anyone looking for a laugh.

[Rating: 4.5/5]