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Blogpost: My Weight Woes

I have to say I am a bit bummed out today. I stepped on the scale after two weeks of trying to eat better, exercise more and….I have lost no weight. Not a pound, not even a half pound. I should have measured areas such as my waist, hips, and thighs, before I started, but I haven’t noticed a difference there either. My pants don’t seem looser, and I really don’t think I’ve lost any inches.
So what’s the deal? I highly dislike eating healthy, my taste buds will just not learn to accept green vegetables, and I crave Doritos every other hour. But I tried my best, cutting way back on my chip intake, eating fruit for my snacks instead of candy bars and cheez-it’s, and having a strawberry and banana smoothie in the mornings instead of pop-tarts for breakfast. I enjoy working out, often visiting the gym three times a week, along with doing workouts at home to DVDs or workouts I rip out of Shape magazine. So why am I not seeing any results? What more do I need to do? If someone tells me I have to completely cut out Doritos, I think I will be heartbroken.
I won’t give up just quite yet. By incorporating more fruits into my diet and choosing whole grain when it comes to bread and even pasta noodles, I feel like I am being better to my body. I will keep up with my workouts even when the perky blonde trainer tells me to smile and I feel an overwhelming urge to throw my socks at her. Today, I will go out and buy that pesky measuring tape to take down my inches, then see in another two-three weeks how I did. More to come…