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Book Review: Don’t Tell the Groom by Anna Bell

I received a copy of Don’t Tell the Groom by Anna Bell in exchange for an honest review. Since my wedding is only six months away, I haven’t been able to say no to a book revolving around weddings as of late. Fortunately for me, I seem to be loving them all! In Don’t Tell the Groom, our blushing bride-to-be is Penny, who finds herself in a bit of a sticky situation. Penny and fiancé Mark have been building up their wedding fund so they could afford a fab shindig. Penny took up online bingo to help pad the account – only she lost more than she won, and now the account has been cut it half. Penny doesn’t want to admit her mistake and risk losing Mark, so she now needs to figure out how to have their lavish affair on a tight budget…and make sure Mark doesn’t find out!
What a hoot of a book! I was able to relate to Penny from the get-go, and I thought the spin on her gambling addiction was unique and really interesting. Poor Penny wasn’t trying to harm anyone by her bingo ways, she really, well naively, thought she was helping. I thought it was admirable that she got help, and what I really liked is that she wouldn’t accept help from others in order to get by. She realized she made the mistake and she really owned up to it. Of course if she would have told Mark that would have been the best for everyone, but then we wouldn’t have had a fun novel to read, right? I recommend this one!
4.5 stars