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My First 5K: Week Three

I talked last week about running outside for the first time in my 5K training, and how difficult I thought it was versus the treadmill. Now I feel like I’ve scared myself from running outside again! This week, it was all treadmill. I am such a chicken, and super embarrassed to admit that I’ve intimidated myself on running outdoors. I know I have to get outside again this week though. There’s no way around it! One thing I noticed this week was giving myself an okay to take a breather when running. I had a twenty minute run planned, and each time I’ve ran I’ve told myself no breaks – no stopping, no getting a drink of water, just running. But on Saturday when I was running, I got to about fifteen minutes in and just needed to stop. I had a side cramp and my breathing was not so hot. I stopped for about forty seconds, just catching my breath and trying not to feel too down on myself for the break. I started running again, and to my surprise – I felt ten times better. I finished the rest of the run with no desire for a break. So when I run again this week, if I feel like I need to take a quick breath, I will give myself one. The difference that forty second break made was a huge one for me.
Here is what my workout schedule looked like this week. The bolded items are what I would normally do, and my new running schedule is added on.
Monday: Walk 3 minutes, run 12 minutes, walk 3 minutes, 30 minute yoga DVD
Tuesday: Walk 15 minutes, 10 sit-ups, Shape magazine workout – 15 minutes, Zumba DVD – 15 minutes
Wednesday: Walk 4 minutes, run 16 minutes, walk 4 minutes
Thursday: Walk 15 minutes, 15 sit-ups, 60 minute elliptical
Friday: Day Off
Saturday: Walk 5 minutes, run 20 minutes, walk 5 minutes
Sunday: Day Off