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My Workout Routine: December 2013

I’ve been doing the same fitness routine for about 2 years now, and I’ve decided to switch it up. No, I’m not doing the same…

Benefits of a Morning Workout

As of lately, I have been watching my workout routines begin to slip. Between my jobs, the nice spring weather, and preparing to move, I have just become too busy to work out after I get off work at 5 pm. So I decided to try waking up early and getting a work out done. Doesn’t that sounds like a nice idea? Only problem- I hate mornings! I highly dislike getting up at 730 to get ready for work, but now I was setting my alarm for 630 for what? To go do some lunges and sun salutations?
To my surprise….I actually enjoyed working out in the am! Sure, it was a little hard to stop myself from hitting the snooze button, but once I was up and able to shake the sleep from my eyes, I found myself having more energy than I thought I could possess that early. I watched Saved by the Bell and went through my yoga poses, or walked on the treadmill in the gym. I kept my workouts to about 30-45 minutes each morning, and even had enough time leftover to make myself a decent breakfast. On most days, I will just throw some cereal in a bowl and call it a day, but now I make myself eggs and toast and really enjoy my morning meal. The combination of eating a full breakfast and getting my workouts done in the morning gives me more energy throughout the day. I don’t feel hungry midmorning now either, I can actually wait until the noon hour before I eat lunch. I don’t want you all thinking I wake up every morning and work out- I can’t make myself do that quite yet! But on days where I know I will be busy after work (Friday in particular) I can handle losing that extra hour of sleep and put it towards something that’s better for me. If you are able to wake up early to get a morning jog or Pilates class in, I suggest trying it out! You may learn to love it.