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Finding My Happy Pace by Heather Wardell

Ah, one my favorite indie authors, Heather Wardell, has done it again. I have been enthralled with her books since number one, and I’m super happy to say I’ve reviewed them all here on ChickLitPlus. Finding My Happy Pace features thirty year old Megan, a teacher with absolutely no backbone. Megan has been letting people such as her brother and “best friend” Amanda take advantage of her for years, thanks to her mother’s “don’t count beans” philosophy. Megan struggles to stand up for herself in any situation, but things begin to change when she meets Andrew, and MMA fighter and marathon runner. Megan begins training for a marathon herself, and during her time with Andrew and fellow runner Jeanine, Megan begins to understand that being assertive doesn’t automatically mean being selfish. Can Megan change her outlook on life for good after so many years of being a doormat?
Loved! One of my favorite things about Wardell’s books is that she brings back previous characters, or at least hints about some. While others were featured, the dominance was Andrew – the boyfriend from Planning to Live. I loved hearing his story and catching back up with him, and seeing a romance between him and Megan blossom. Sometimes it got difficult to read about Megan constantly being treated like nothing by her friend Amanda (and James –ugh – what a character!) and it could almost cross the line into her being too whiny. But this is where Wardell’s superb writing skills come in, and she helps readers understand why Megan lets herself be treated bad. I highly enjoyed watching Megan grow as a person, and this is another 5 star referral for Heather Wardell from me!
[Rating: 5]