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Author Profile: Grace Coopersmith

Author: Grace Coopersmith
Titles: Nancy’s Theory of Style
Bio: I’m a San Francisco Bay Area native and still live there. I went to Stanford, where I studied creative writing, literature, and theatre. (I had a mad idea that I wanted to be a theatre reviewer. Anyway…)
With this extremely useful ability to sit around and read books and talk about them, I took miscellaneous low-paying jobs. I frequently worked for non-profits, including theatre companies. One of my job skills was properly opening a bottle of champagne for special guests. I also learned to forge signatures and mimic my bosses’ writing styles. I can’t remember if I put those skills on my resume, but I used to see my counterfeit letters framed and displayed by proud recipients.
I was a frequent contributor of home, gardening, and style columns and features for newspapers and magazines. So, yes, I have written in-depth articles about modern wallpaper trends, worm composting, and luxury home libraries.
Right now, I’m working on another novel set in San Francisco.
Under my own name, Marta Acosta, I write the Casa Dracula series. Haunted Honeymoon (Simon & Schuster/Gallery) will be released in October 2010. You see, I even counterfeit myself.
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