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How to Get Essential Nutrients

Do you wonder about how to get all the essential nutrients from your food? I know I do, and I often just turn to vitamins as my easy way out instead of investigating healthy food choices. posted an article titled, ‘The Nutrients You Need,’ and lists 8 essential nutrients, and better-where to find them. Check out some of my favorites below, and head to for the complete list!

Eat This: Walnuts & Almonds. Walnuts especially are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help stave off depression, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease. Shape recommends toasting the walnuts to help get more flavor, and toss in your salads or on top of yogurt.
Eat This: Kiwi. This fruit has been found to be the densest, which means they are high in vitamins and minerals. And research has shown that adults who ate two kiwifruits a day for a month lowered their triglycerides, which can lower the chance of heart disease.
Drink This: White Tea. White tea has been found to be even more powerful than healthy green tea, helping prevent cancer. Shape recommends buying loose white tea leaves such as Yinzhen Silver Needle White Tea ($30 for 4 ounces; inpursuit

Healthy Foods That Can Make You Fat

As I was reading the February issue of my favorite magazine- Cosmopolitan of course- I started reading the article ‘These Healthy Foods Can Make You Fat.’ I figured I would see the usual culprits such as salad loaded with dressing and croutons, but I was really surprised to see all that made the list. Here were the biggest surprises for me:
1. Dried Fruit. What? Fruit is always good for you..or I guess not. Dried fruit is not as good for you as fresh fruit because it has been dehydrated and is much denser. The example that was given was that fresh grapes have 60 calories, while dried raisins pack 460 calories! Big difference.
2. Sushi Rolls. I’m always hearing about the sushi diets and other crazy seafood tricks celebrities are doing to stay in shape, but sushi rolls will not help thin your waistline. Sure there are veggies and seaweed that are healthy, but many of the rolls are filled with cream cheese or mayo that is definitely unhealthy. Most sushi rolls can have up to 600 calories- and that’s before the soy sauce!
3. Wraps. Cosmo said that most wraps unrolled can reach up to 1 foot across- a fact that made my mouth drop! That is a whole lot of tortilla shell! No matter what healthy foods you put into the wrap, there is no denying that 1 foot of tortilla is not healthy- and add in the mayo or dressing- most wraps reach up 300 calories.

What were the other “healthy” offenders?
• Granola
• Bran Muffins
• Half-and-half
• Bottled Teas
• Veggie Burgers
• Rice Cakes
• Juice
• Diet Microwave Meals
• Salads
• Tofu

Check out this month’s Cosmo for the full article and other healthy tips!