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Healthy Lifestyle Choices

There was an article on my local news website today that sparked my interest. Carbonated beverages have been seeing a decline since 2005, and last year it fell to the lowest it’s been since 1996. The article states without energy drinks such as Monster and Red Bull, the decline would have been even steeper. I think this is great! My last soda was in mid-January, and I challenged myself not to drink one while doing Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred Challenge in February. Then came Lent, and my fiancé and I decided to give up soda together, so I just continued on not drinking it. I know Lent ends this weekend, but I’m happy to report that I really am no longer craving the caffeine, nor have I experienced any crazy headaches like I have in the past when I’ve tried cutting out soda. Will I continue to not drink it? I know that I will definitely be cutting way back, but I’m not sure I will totally cut it out. I believe everything is okay in moderation, but I was not applying that rule to soda before January. I know now that I can stay away from pop for months at a time and be just fine, and I want to try to continue on with that healthy choice. Has anyone else recently gave up soda, or done another healthy lifestyle change? I would love to hear about it!