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The Best Yogurt for Your Waistline

I have been reading that yogurt is a great healthy snack that I should probably start eating. I have been getting better on my snacking habits; I have substituted grapes and string cheese for candy bars and chips, but it never hurts to try something new. But there are so many yogurts out there all claiming to be the best for you, so it’s a little overwhelming looking at all the choices in the grocery aisle. The April edition of Fitness magazine helps answer a few of those questions with their Eat Right section. They highlight yogurt, and even have a ‘what to look for’ box that lists the most important factors in your selection process. The guidelines, for a 6 ounce serving of yogurt, are as follows:
100-150 calories
3.5 grams of fat or less
2 grams or less of saturated fat
At least 8 to 10 grams of protein
20 grams or less of sugar
At least 20% of your daily value of calcium
At least 20% of your daily value of vitamin D