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I Hate You, Kelly Donahue by Mark Svartz

I Hate You, Kelly Donahue: DO NOT OPEN! Nothing to See Here, Just Boring Stuff or Empty Pages by Mark Svartz is an artistic, and very creative, portrayal into the life of a man struggling to come to terms with his feelings. It is often said that young boys will bully the girls that they like…and in this book, we have the perfect example of how some men never seem to grow past that stage. On the first day of a new job, Mark Svartz meets several interesting people, one of whom happens to be Kelly Donahue. He vows at that moment to plan her ultimate demise and fight her to the death; just how and when becomes the real question. We follow Mark for the next eight months and sixteen days, as he chronicles every hilarious thought, note, email, Post-it, and Craigslist ad used in planning her demise.

I LOVED everything about this book- the creativity, the uniqueness, the hilarity, and the extent of the planning. I laughed as I turned each page, devouring plot details and graphics, wondering where Mark would take me next on his journey through love and his relationship with Kelly. This book was pitched as the “perfect Anti-Valentine’s day book” and although that statement is true, it is so much more. I would recommend I Hate You, Kelly Donahue to anyone looking for a good laugh, or a good gift for a male friend. I give it a 5/5.