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Solution for Chapped Lips

Living in Iowa during the looong (and never ending) winter months can really cause havoc on a person- especially a girl! My hair gets brittle, skin is dry and cracked, and I have to go through tube after tube of Carmax because my lips are so chapped. I started deep conditioning my hair once a week, slathering on moisturizing lotion immediately after stepping out of the shower, but couldn’t figure out a way to get over my chapped lips dilemma.

Luckily, a co-worker overheard me complaining about my problem (waking up to dry bloody lips is not fun!) and suggested for me to try putting Vaseline on my lips before going to bed. And it works! Just dabbing the Vaseline over my lips helps prevent them from cracking in the middle of the night, and even helps keep them softer throughout the day, causing me to use less chapstick. I would try out this little trick if you are suffering from chapped lips!