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Interview with Erin Duffy

When did you know writing was for you?
It was something I always liked to do, but it took me a while to actually have the courage to sit down and try to write an entire book. I’m so happy I did though, it’s difficult at times but I am really enjoying it!

What made you want to write Bond Girl?
I really was looking for a career change and I realized that the time had come to try
It. I hoped that some of the stories would make people laugh, and with all of the negative publicity the entire industry was receiving when the recession started, I thought maybe there was another side of it to show. I’m really excited that people seem to be liking it. And now I have a whole new career to look forward to!

What is the hardest part of the writing process for you?
Being disciplined. Sometimes when I’m having a day where things just aren’t coming easily it’s easy to find a million other things to do with the day. I once cleaned my entire freezer to avoid having to face that blinking little cursor! So far that’s been the most challenging thing, but I’m working on it!

What are your favorite genres to read?
I really enjoy historical fiction, and women’s fiction. I like to read different things to see what’s out there, depending on my mood. In the summer I usually reach for lighter beach reads that make me laugh.

I love the cover of Bond Girl! Did you have a lot of input in the cover-designing process?
Thank you! I’m so happy you like it. I had a little input on tweaking the cover, the one that was used was actually the second iteration of it, but it was pretty close to the original. I love it too, I think the design team at Harper Collins who created it are awesome!

What do you want readers to take away from your story?
I didn’t intend for the book to be a math lesson by any means! I hoped people would find some humor in the personalities of people on trading floors, and the crazy environment they work in. If I can make people laugh with this story, then my mission was accomplished! Fingers crossed!

How important do you think social media is for authors these days?
I’m new to the writing game, so I’m not sure how it has changed over the last few years but I will tell you from my experience it’s crazy important! Facebook, twitter, and blogging is a great way to connect with busy readers and keep people updated on what you have going on at any given time. I’ve enjoyed the social media side of things a lot. It’s a fun way to stay connected.

What would be your advice to aspiring writers?
To keep at it! No one knows what they can produce until they try, and even when it’s frustrating, it’s still worth it to give it a shot. Everyone can have days that are challenging or unproductive but if you stick with it who knows what you can achieve! I certainly didn’t know if Bond Girl would ever be published, but it was a risk worth taking in the end! Good luck!