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Interview with J.L. Penn

Q: What finally gave you the inspiration to start writing your novel?
I have always enjoyed writing but had never done it professionally. When I was younger, probably around college age, I tried to write a novel a few times but could never get past a few pages. I think the problem was that I was trying to write a novel rather than tell a story. With Reunion, the idea for essentially the entire story came to me in a flash of inspiration. And that inspiration was born of a small kernel of truth, which really leads into your next question…

Q: How did you get the concept for Reunion?
I really did come upon my old high school crush online. We exchanged the usual pleasantries — how are you, what have you been up to, etc. He even suggested that perhaps we should get our kids together for a play date sometime, but that was it. However, it got me thinking about how many other people were probably going through similar scenarios but perhaps taking it a step further. I let my imagination go a little wild with it and envisioned how a simple innocent little reconnection could evolve into something potentially life-changing. Ironically, I have since learned that exact thing has happened to various people not so far removed from my own circle of friends.

Q: I read that you are writing a sequel. Can you give any details on that?
I actually have two novels in production right now. I will only say that the sequel revolves around one of Jessica’s girlfriends and that Jessica is a secondary character in the sequel. The sequel was in the very early stages when I had another “lightning bolt of inspiration” similar to what I had for Reunion, so I switched gears for the moment and have been writing pretty diligently on a different unrelated novel. It’s still chick lit, but the characters and plot are completely different. The first two rough draft “teaser” chapters are currently posted on my website (

Q: What is your favorite genre’s to read?
Not surprisingly, my favorite genre to read is chick lit. I do also enjoy reading mysteries occasionally, but I generally stay away from dramas, horror, and non-fiction. I read to escape so I just want to be entertained, not depressed or even particularly enlightened. For that reason, I do also enjoy books written by comedians now and then.

Q: What is the best part of writing books?
The best part of the act of writing a book is when the book takes on a life of its own and I cannot wait to see what happens as I am writing it. I know that probably sounds strange but it really does happen. That was the first clue I had that I actually had something here. I really felt like it was a page turner as I was writing it, so I have of course been thrilled to hear that others feel the same. The best part of having written a book is easily the sense of satisfaction one gets knowing that others are reading and enjoying the book.

Q: Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions?
Oh sure, doesn’t everyone enjoy an annual exercise in futility? Say it with me now … I am going to lose a few pounds. I am going to exercise more. Sound familiar? Me and every other American woman, right? Oh yes, and of course I also want to be more organized. That last one is the only one I have actually made any progress on so far this year. Oh my gosh, how could I almost forget? I did have one more resolution — to have Reunion become a New York Times Bestseller!

Q: Do you have any guilty pleasures (tv shows, food, etc?)
Okay, who tipped you off? Don’t tell anyone but I am a huge fan of the Wiggles. In my defense, I have a toddler, but I really think I enjoy their songs more than she does. In fact, you really know you are a Mom when your celebrity crush is a guy who only owns blue shirts and dances around in jazz shoes singing about dinosaurs and fruit salad. Since my TV is perpetually tuned to either the Wiggles or Nick Jr. these days, watching anything else is a real treat and a rarity. Given the opportunity though, I love Psych, Seinfeld reruns, Big Bang Theory, HGTV, and Food Network. I was devastated when the Monk series recently ended. As for food, I have a terrible sweet tooth and a taste for Italian. I’m not sure I have ever met a dessert or a pizza that I didn’t like.

Q: I read you love cooking. What is your specialty?
I love to experiment and my best experiments tend to have an Italian flair. I adore garlic, rosemary, basil – fresh is the best. Over the holidays I came up with a great little recipe (or so I think) for using up leftover mashed potatoes — forming them into little balls mixed with chopped onion, dipping them in Italian breadcrumbs and rosemary, browning them, and serving them with a fruit dipping sauce made of apple butter and pineapple preserves. It’s very simple but a great blend of sweet and savory. I’ve had a couple of recipes published but I am really still a novice in the kitchen. I’ve certainly had my share of smoke alarm dinners.

Q: What is your advice to aspiring writers?
Oh my goodness, I still consider myself an aspiring writer so I am probably the worst person to give advice, but if I had to, I would have to be cliche and say don’t give up. And also, do not force it. If you are really meant to do it, the inspiration will come. Without inspiration, they are just words. If you force it, it will sound forced. Also, do not fool yourself into thinking that writing the book is the hard part — it’s not. Getting the book into the hands of the readers, which unfortunately means successfully getting it in front of the eyes of agents, is where the real work begins. But if you really believe in your work and have someone other than little voices in your head telling you that it is good, then keep at it. Well look at that, it turns out I did have some advice!

Q: Where is your favorite place to travel?
While I love to travel, I have to confess that I hate to fly. Have you ever seen the beginning of the romantic comedy French Kiss? That’s me. Okay, well, maybe not quite that bad but I really, really do not like to fly. Between my fear of flying and my fear of having a screaming toddler on a plane, I have not done much traveling lately. My favorite trip from the past though is probably Iceland. When I tell people I have been to Iceland, I get one of two responses — “Iceland? What’s in Iceland?” or “Wow! Iceland!” The latter is the reality. It is a fabulous destination full of diverse landscapes, friendly people, and probably the cleanest air and water you will ever enjoy. In just one day I saw a fantastic European style city, a glacier, a black sand beach, crazy cool lava formations, a small iceberg, a volcano, oodles of waterfalls, and lots of geothermal bursts of steam pouring out of the ground. We were there for eight amazing days and I can not recommend it highly enough. Iceland may actually make an appearance in the Reunion sequel but we shall see…