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Lasik Surgery: The Day is Here!

Lasik is paid for, forms are signed, contacts have been out, no makeup is on, fiancé is by my side…and I’m ready for Lasik surgery!…

Deciding to Get Lasik

Deciding to Get Lasik

I got my first pair of glasses in the fourth grade. Back then, I thought I was super cool with my spectacles. All my friends had glasses as well, and we loved getting bright colors and patterns – I remember my purple pair were my favorite glasses back then. I really didn’t even get the dreaded “four eyes” nickname, because so many people had glasses. I thought I just fit in.
But of course, the happiness wore off. I begged my mom for contacts for years, and I believe I was fifteen when I was finally granted my wish. It took me some time to get used to poking myself in the eye, but I eventually mastered the contacts. But then it was the annoying factor that cropped up – contacts being inside out when I tried putting them on, running out of contact solution, forgetting my case at sleepovers. As I got older, I grew tired of contacts, and was jealous when a handful of my family members got the Lasik surgery.
When I was twenty, I made some appointments around town to see if I would be a good fit for Lasik. In order to get the procedure, your prescription has to be the same for at least a year so they know your eyes are done changing and your eyes need to be considered healthy. At twenty, I passed the Lasik test –– then was told the price. At $2500 per eye, I knew it was just not in my cards to get the procedure at that time. I came up with a savings plan, and put that surgery on hold.
About four years later, I felt comfortable enough with my money situation to give Lasik another shot. In January 2012, I set up a consultation at my local LasikPlus, took my contacts out for two weeks straight per instructions, and went through test after test on my eyes. At the end – I was cleared for Lasik! The price was actually cheaper than it was years ago, and with a discount through my insurance provider, I was looking at $3500 for the whole thing. I scheduled my surgery appointment for two weeks after my testing, and was ecstatic to finally be getting Lasik.
Check out back next week for my post on prepping for Lasik!