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Murder & Mayhem In Goose Pimple Junction by Amy Metz

Murder & Mayhem In Goose Pimple Junction by Amy Metz is a murder mystery set in a cute southern town. When Tess Tremaine moves to Goose Pimple Junction in hopes of starting a new life, she things that she has hit the jackpot. Then, she finds something that peaks her interest and soon finds herself investigating a seventy-five-year-old murder. Along the way she is thrown into the charming world of southern comfort and becomes instantly attracted to local celebrity, Jackson Wright. Will she be able to keep her wits about her as she investigates the murder further? Only time will tell, but she realizes soon enough that the closer she gets to solving the murder, the more dangerous things become. Is she ready to risk it all?

This book is probably the cutest book that I have read in quite sometime, and seeing how it is about a murder mystery, I never thought I would describe one that way. The mystery and intrigue are real, and Tess is such a hoot. I absolutely fell in love with her during the first few pages and Amy truly does capture the heart of the south and everything that it entails. It’s been a while since I’ve read a murder/mystery that I’ve enjoyed this much. I definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a little intrigue without anything too dangerous or gritty.

[Rating: 4.5/5]