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Interview with Nancy Volkers

Q: Have you always known you wanted to write?
A: Definitely… writing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.

Q: What was the first piece of “real” writing you did?
A: I wrote an illustrated Halloween story in kindergarten – one long run-on sentence! It started out “There once was a witch and she had a black pot and one day a pumpkin came and stole the pot….” I don’t remember the rest, but I remember that the witch and pumpkin reconciled in the end.

Q: How long did it take you to write A Scottish Ferry Tale?
A: It took about six months to complete. But the first draft was done in a month — I wrote it as part of National Novel Writing Month, in November 2008. Then I went back and added more to the story.

Q: Can you describe your novel to readers in 20 words or less?
A: Young woman grapples with issues of head vs heart, fairy tales, love and chocolate cake. A handsome Scot helps.

Q: What do you find to be the most challenging part of editing?
A: Flow. I want the story to flow, but I’m very much a “day in the life” writer — I want people to see the characters as people, doing things that real people do. Sometimes that means spending five chapters on a two-week period of time, and then skipping ahead months into the future. It’s tough to strike a balance between recounting too much and leaving out important bits.

Q: How did you celebrate once A Scottish Ferry Tale was published?
A: When the first proof arrived, I screamed – a happy scream. 😉 I didn’t have any specific celebration, really. But I celebrate a little bit almost every day — when I get an email from someone who’s been touched by it, when I see people purchasing it, when aspiring novelists ask for advice.

Q: Are you working on a sequel?
A: I’m dealing with formatting issues, back/front matter and the cover, but the sequel is finished. It’s called Scotland by Starlight, and should be available in early 2011.

Q: You live in Vermont, a state that has been on my travel wish list for years. Why do you enjoy living there?
A: It’s gorgeous, and I love the four distinct seasons (five, if you count “mud season” between winter and spring). Being outside in nature is important to me. The state is like one big small town — people are tough and independent, yet always willing to lend a hand. And there’s a sense of community here that’s invigorating; people still trust one another. Add in local foods, beer, wines, and art — it’s just a wonderful place to live. (And billboards are against the law, so when you drive on the interstate, you can see the mountains!)

Q: Where would be your dream vacation?
A: I’ve always wanted to visit New Zealand.

Q: What is your advice for aspiring writers?
A: Get messy. Don’t expect perfection in the first draft, or even the twentieth. There’s a great essay by Katherine Patterson (Bridge to Terabithia) – she lives in Barre, Vermont, which is known for granite quarrying. She says that the first draft is akin to quarrying the granite – you’re just trying to get something out of the ground. It won’t be pretty, so don’t expect it to be. Once you’ve done that hard work, the grunt work, you can start sculpting and turn your lump of granite into something amazing.

Also, seek out people who can provide constructive criticism, not just pats on the back. We all love to hear kudos, but your writing will change and improve if you are willing to consider other points of view.