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Beauty Review: Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Foaming Scrub

I admit – I am a girl, and I like pink. When I started looking for a new exfoliating scrub, the Pink Grapefruit Foaming Scrub…

Beauty Review: Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne Eliminating Spot Gel

While I was browsing skin care items a few weeks ago, my eyes landed on a ‘spot treatment’ from Neutrogena. This tiny white and orange bottle boasted that it would instantly clear breakouts and even help prevent breakouts from happening. What could be better? I quickly bought the .5 fluid ounce tube of Rapid Clear Acne Eliminating Spot Gel and have been faithfully using it for almost a month now. And the results are terrible. Each night, I put a tab of the spot treatment on any breakouts, and it seems that the gel just makes things worse. Instead of ‘eliminating’ anything, it makes them redder and bigger-not exactly the look I was going for. I was hoping my skin would eventually begin to improve with continued use, but I am starting to face the facts that it will just not be. Now, I would rather not use the gel, because I feel I look even worse in the mornings than if I skip it. Bottom line: not worth your time or money.