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Guest Post and Excerpt: November Surprise by Laurel Osterkamp

November Surprise in Context November Surprise is actually a sort of a sequel to a novella I wrote, called Campaign Promises. I wrote Campaign Promises…

November Surprise by Laurel Osterkamp

I am reviewing November Surprise by Laurel Osterkamp for CLP Blog Tours. Clearly, this blog tour comes at the perfect time – election fever! The story talks a lot of presidential elections over the course of twenty years, each section given its own headline from that time on which election is happening. I was just a touched worried that the book was simply going to focus on politics, because while I follow the elections every four years, I don’t have a lot of knowledge in politics, and I know that it’s not always polite to talk politics (or post 8 million Facebook status on the subject!). But I quickly realized I had no need to worry – I was so focused on the love story/triangle that MC Lucy Jones has found herself in. I loved the angle between brothers Jack and Monty, one that Lucy dated back in the day, and one that Lucy thinks she could fall in love with in present time. There is also a companion book to November Surprise which is Campaign Promises, which is free on Amazon and can be read in any order.
I thought the concept and execution of this novel was spot-on. I loved the headlines of each section and how it moved from this year to that year to this year flawlessly. I think it had the danger of feeling jumpy since it was skipping four years at a time, but I have to give major kudos to Osterkamp for making me barley blink from section to section. The last few chapters had me a bit miffed with Lucy and her indecisiveness and almost self-inflicted pain, but she redeemed herself for me! I would say even if you aren’t into politics don’t be afraid to grab this book, as it’s a lovely romance read. Lucy is a democrat and her views are clearly shown, but I didn’t feel at any point I was trying to be swayed any which way politic-wise. Fab book!

On Tour: November Surprise by Laurel Osterkamp

Laurel will be on tour October 22- November 12 with her novel November Surprise Twenty years Six presidential elections Two brothers One consuming love affair…

Future Tour: November Surprise by Laurel Osterkamp

Laurel will be on tour October 22- November 12 with her chick lit/romance novel November Surprise • Twenty years • Six presidential elections • One…

Blog Tour Sign Up: November Surprise by Laurel Osterkamp

Laurel will be on tour in October with her chick lit/romance novel November Surprise. Ebook copies can be provided, or Laurel be available for a…