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Debut Author Spotlight: Aidan Donnelley Rowley

Debut Author: Aidan Donnelley Rowley
Debut Novel: Life After Yes
I met Aidan because her debut novel, Life After Yes, was the final selection for the fabulous book club I belong to- SheKnows. The SheKnows bloggers got to vote on our last book, and I am sure glad we chose Life After Yes. Here is a clip of my five star review:
“Life After Yes was one of my favorite reads of 2010. I commend Aidan Donnelley Rowley for writing such a truthful story, with real characters and real problems. I almost feel this novel should come with a warning label: Will you risk asking yourself the questions Quinn is asking of herself? Are you brave enough to face the answers? I recommend everyone to read this book, chick lit fan or not. I think we can all identify with a piece of Quinn, and take away a lesson on true happiness.”
After our selection was chosen, I hopped online to find out more about Aidan Donnelley Rowley, and was pleasantly surprised to find that she has a pretty unique blog going. Aidan tackles numerous subjects, ranging from pregnancy and parenthood, health and happiness, and of course- writing. Her blog is titled “Ivy League Insecurities” which I found interesting. Like her main character Quinn in Life After Yes, Aidan is Ivy League educated, and attended Yale College and Columbia Law School. She worked as a lawyer for a hot second, but now has focused on her family- who includes her two young daughters- and her writing. Aidan blogs about her daily life, her struggles as a writer, and her insecurities. I like her blog because she feels like a real person. Yeah, she has an Ivy League education. And yes, she has published a fantastic novel. But she isn’t afraid to admit her insecurities. I find her writing refreshing, meaningful, and inspiring.
So please take some time out to swing by Ivy League Insecurities and drop a line to Aidan, or visit her on Twitter or Facebook. If you haven’t picked up your copy yet of Life After Yes, you will want to get that on your Christmas list. I gave Aidan’s debut a five star review, and I’m sure many other readers will agree!