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I am a bad, bad girl. I forgot a very special birthday- the 2nd birthday of Chick Lit Plus! Man, I felt like such a…

Guest Post by Samantha March: Writing Goals

When I first decided to really buckle down and write a book, I didn’t have any idea what that would entail. I thought I would write a few chapters a day, clean it up/edit a bit, and boom! Published. That’s not really how it worked out for me. About three years ago, I started to get the itch to write. I had told myself that if I went to a “real” college, got a fancy degree, and still wanted to write, I would follow that path. But even before I slipped on my cap and gown and moved the tassel from the left to the right (or is it the right to the left) I had already begun to outline my plot and develop characters. I just couldn’t wait.
My ambition to write a few chapters a day quickly met the real world. Going to school, working three jobs (at a gym, hotel, and hospital) did not add up to chapters being written. I was lucky if I got in two hundred words a day. Some days, I was too exhausted to even look at a computer screen. And did I mention I didn’t own a computer as this time––I was using the computer lab at my school to get my writing done, and saving my work to flash drives. So that only added to the challenge. A year went by––a whole 365 days––and my book was just over halfway written. Something needed to change.

It took me some time, but I was able to figure out little plans and deadlines to help keep me on track. I realized that I write effectively in the morning as opposed to the afternoon or night (shocking, since I hate mornings). So I carved out pieces of time each morning to write. I didn’t give myself an impossible goal, I just told myself to write from 6:30-8:00 each morning. Nothing spectacular, nothing huge. But with that little goal, I found myself writing each morning, cracking my knuckles first thing and excited to dive back in. This plan has been working for me ever since. Sometimes, I add some new goals in here and there. Finish chapter 9 by Friday. Introduce Emily’s character by Wednesday. Finish all revisions by December 7. This bigger goals help keep me on track and help me maintain a look at the bigger picture. I’ll give an example of some deadlines I have imposed on myself for book number two:


Monday-Friday: write 7:30-10:30
Introduce Henry/Kevin conflict by November 3
Figure out Carmen’s big secret by November 7
Finish Chapter 15 by November 15

*If you’re wondering what “figure out Carmen’s big secret” means, it literally means figure out what Carmen, one of my supporting characters, is hiding. I still haven’t figured this out. I hope she tells me soon.*

You may also be wondering why I only write three hours a day. It’s all I can do. Really. I work full-time, I run ChickLitPlus, CLP Blog Tours, freelance editing services, and have two more websites/businesses underway for launches next year. Oh, yes––and I also just published Destined to Fail and am feverishly trying to do my own marketing. Then I have a life on top of that. Sometimes. So, three hours is the best I can do. But, when you really put your mind to something and work hard, it doesn’t seem that bad. It isn’t unusual for me to write 3,000 words a day, which I think is great. I am hoping to have book #2 out by late spring of next year. Now that I have been through the process and know what works for me, the second time around has already been much easier.

My advice is to create your own goals. Keep in mind that you might have to tweak them along the way. Maybe you realize you write better at night. Switch it. Maybe you realize you work better by giving yourself word count goals. Shoot for what is feasible to you. Don’t make your goals based on someone else’s. We all lead different lives, have different jobs and families and responsibilities, so none of our goals and deadlines should look the same. But keep yourself motivated, and keep writing!

Destined to Fail- eBooks Available

Well, I’ll be. My eBooks are here. Like- you can buy them. Yep. It’s official. Destined to Fail is for sale. That is so surreal to type. And to say. It has only been three days, but I don’t think it has quite sunk in yet. And get this- people are buying my book! Say what?? I can’t believe it. I’m hoping the shock feeling will wear off sometime soon.
Anyways, the eBooks are here. As of right now, they are available on Smashwords and Amazon. I also have a GoodReads author page that you can visit, and my Samantha March website. Samantha March is also on Facebook and Twitter. I’m all over the place 🙂 My paperbacks should become available as scheduled in November, so be on the lookout for those if you are not an eReader lover yet. For all you lovely book bloggers that have embarked on many blog tours with me and CLP Blog Tours- don’t you worry, I will be going on tour. You should be hearing from me shortly.
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me throughout my journey. Many of you are in my acknowledgement, so be sure to find your name in there. I couldn’t have done this alone. All the writing, re-writing, editing, revisions, formatting (I hate formatting), designing, uploading…has led to this. Now the fun part- and frightening part. Having readers. Getting reviews. I know not everyone will love the book. I hope not everyone hates it. But I do hope you enjoy and appreciate Jasmine’s journey, and take away a little something from Destined to Fail. Of course, I would love to see reviews on Amazon and other sites, your own blogs, or little comments on this website. Feel free to email me anytime as well. I am preparing for a whirlwind of marketing, but will also be continuing work on my second novel. I’m hoping to release that one by the spring of 2012. Listen to me- talking about my next release. Surreal. Thanks again for all the support, encouragement, and guidance.
Samantha March

Debut Author and Titles- November 2011

Debut Authors and Titles- November 2011

Title: One Little White Lie
Author: Pricilla Bleik
Synopsis: India Roman has always come second best. Growing up with a clinically depressed sister, overbearing mother and then settling for a controlling marriage to a much older man, India is used to accepting what little life throws at her. When her husband leaves her with two young children and a mortgage, on the same day her sister goes missing after successfully auditioning in the first round for the world’s premier talent show, India decides to take a chance on herself. Taking her sister’s place on the talent show, India lies about her age and pretends to be her sibling to make it through to the finals. But there is more than one dark secret in her past, and just when it seems that India might finally come first, a shocking revelation rears up to steal the limelight once more.
Available: ebook in November and paperback early 2012.

Title: The Bollywood Breakup Agency
Author: Naina Gupta
Synopsis: Twenty-six-year-old Neela Solanki’s family is fed up with her rude refusal to either work or marry any of the eminently suitable men put before her, so they cut her off without a penny. Unable to make her designer ends meet, Neela stumbles upon a unique business idea – a breakup agency that helps ‘de-arrange’ unsavoury Indian engagements. However, Neela’s brash attitude to her culture soon comes back to haunt her, when she finds love in the most unusual of places.”
Available: ebook in November and paperback early 2012.

Title: Destined To Fail
Author: Samantha March
Synopsis: ADD
Available: November 2011

Title: Unscripted
Authors: Natalie Aaron & Maria Schwartz
Synopsis: ADD
Available: November