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United Authors of Chick Lit

What a fun and clever idea United Authors of Chick Lit is! The event was happening all this week and ends today, and I’ve been following…

Q&A with Sarah Louise Smith

Chick Lit Plus is so excited to share this fun interview with the very talented, Sarah Louise Smith. Read on to find out a little more about one of our favorite authors.

When did you know writing was for you?

I’ve been writing stories since before I can remember, but it was only in my late teens and early twenties that I started to seriously entertain the idea of writing a novel and becoming an author… it then took about 10 years before I could actually sit down and write a whole, complete novel!

How would you describe your book?

My new book, Izzy’s Cold Feet, is about a girl who’s on a bit of an emotional roller-coaster. She has had a traumatic childhood, and is very confused about the man she’s about to marry. It’s (hopefully!) sad, funny, and romantic with some twists and is written in the first person. My first book, Amy & Zach, is about a British girl, Amy and an American guy, Zach, and they take it in turns to share their story with the reader. They both have a secret and it has a few twists and turns.

What was the hardest part of the writing process for you?

Finding time to write. Getting a work, social life, family life and writing life balance can be tricky. I’m very lucky that my husband is willing to take on more of his fair share of household chores in order to give me more time for writing. I also find that I write about 25% of a novel and then start thinking about something new. I have to force myself to focus on one thing at a time and finish each project before starting the next!

What does your daily schedule look like?

I get up early and write, go to work (I work in marketing communications), come home and cook, then write some more, walk my dog, read or watch some television and then early to bed. It’s busy but I love what I do.

What would be your advice to aspiring writers?
Just to keep writing. You have to commit to a story, or you’ll never finish. And no matter how much rejection you get, you must keep at it.

What advice would you give yourself ten years ago? Any words of wisdom?

Ooh good question! Probably to dedicate more time to my writing. I sometimes wish I’d done all this earlier; but then I know my writing is better than it was 10 years ago. Perhaps I wasn’t ready, back then!

And now…let’s have a little fun:
What are your favorite movies/books?

Movies: Love Actually, Definitely Maybe, and The Holiday at my favourites right now. Books: Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen and Chasing Daisy by Paige Toon (in fact any books by either of those authors are my favourites). I’m a sucker for a feel-good romantic comedy with a happy ending, as you can tell!

What is your biggest guilty pleasure food wise?

Milk chocolate. I have to ration myself.

What is your must have beauty product?

Beauty serum. I’m not a big make-up wearer and don’t spent tonnes of time or money on beauty products but I love that stuff.

What is in your purse?

It’d be easier to answer what isn’t! 🙂 Money, lip gloss, antibacterial hand gel, tissues, my kindle, keys, spare contact lenses, painkillers, pens, old receipts, a notebook, hair ties, earphones, and a bunch of other useless objects! 🙂

Who is your writing inspiration?

There are so many people who inspire me: other writers (including those mentioned above), my father (who also likes to write), but most of all, my husband, who encourages me and cheers me on.

Who is your favorite literary character?

Elizabeth Bennett from Pride & Prejudice. She was fun, modern, and didn’t care what other people thought of her.

Celebrity crush?

Oh I have a few! One of them is Zach Braff. I met him last year, and he was very friendly and sweet.

Thank you so much for stopping by Chick Lit Plus, Sarah Louise Smith!