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How to Get Essential Nutrients

Do you wonder about how to get all the essential nutrients from your food? I know I do, and I often just turn to vitamins as my easy way out instead of investigating healthy food choices. posted an article titled, ‘The Nutrients You Need,’ and lists 8 essential nutrients, and better-where to find them. Check out some of my favorites below, and head to for the complete list!

Eat This: Walnuts & Almonds. Walnuts especially are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help stave off depression, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease. Shape recommends toasting the walnuts to help get more flavor, and toss in your salads or on top of yogurt.
Eat This: Kiwi. This fruit has been found to be the densest, which means they are high in vitamins and minerals. And research has shown that adults who ate two kiwifruits a day for a month lowered their triglycerides, which can lower the chance of heart disease.
Drink This: White Tea. White tea has been found to be even more powerful than healthy green tea, helping prevent cancer. Shape recommends buying loose white tea leaves such as Yinzhen Silver Needle White Tea ($30 for 4 ounces; inpursuit

Walking as a Diet…Sure!

I can’t believe I’m finally saying this, but it seems that spring could be just around the corner! I thought we would never get past this dreadful winter, but now that I’ve actually seen the sun and have gotten my hopes up for decent weather, I want to take advantage. I have started taking walks outside around my work building during my breaks instead of sitting cooped up in the break room. I saw on that they have posted a walking workout. Titled ‘The Walking Diet’ the article talks about how walking and/or hiking can help get you into summer shape. I have done the workout once so far, and I definitely recommend giving it a try if you can get outdoors! Head to to view the complete workout.

Straighten Up: Effects of Poor Posture

Good posture. I will admit, this is not something I often think about. I found myself slouching in my chair, hunched over my computer multiple times a day. But improving your posture can have positive long term effects on your health, and it is important that people are aware of what poor posture can do to your body.
I wad doing yoga a few days ago, which is a great exercise for posture. I can feel my spine lengthening, my neck long, and my back straight. Once I complete a yoga workout, I find myself more focused on the way I am sitting and standing. I sit up taller at the table, I throw my shoulders back while walking, I feel good about myself. But then a few days later I’m back to my hunchback ways. So how can we improve our posture?
If you weren’t already aware, poor posture can do a lot more than make you look like an undignified Miley Cyrus at the Oscars. According to an article on, it can also cause continual neck and back pain, frequent migraines, arthritic symptoms, and fatigue. Shape recommends checking your self out in a mirror. You should be able to draw an imaginary straight line from your earlobe to your hip to your knee and the center of your ankle. If you are sitting, put your feet flat on the floor, push your butt back to the end of the chair so your back is completely supported and your weight’s equally distributed on both hips, then push your shoulders back to take the strain off of your neck muscles.
Being aware of your posture will not only make you look better, but also feel better. I recommend practicing yoga, which forces you to sit straight and focus on your posture. Try thinking of these tips when you are sitting at the table or at your desk. The pain that you won’t feel from being hunched will just be another reward. And be sure to check out for other posture improving tips.

Fitness Gadget- The Gruve

As I was reading this month’s issue of Shape magazine, there was a featured gadget that I believe I just must have. It’s called The Gruve, and it is an activity monitor that tracks your daily calorie burn. But it’s so much more than that. When you start your day out, there is a red light on the device and when you hit your calorie burning goal for the day, the light turns green. You can also set it up so that it will remind you to get up and move around if you have been stationary for too long. This is a feature that I really like, as I sit behind a desk all day. I could really take advantage of a beeper telling me to go take a walk around my office. And the best part- you can set up a personal webpage to be synched to your Gruve, and watch your progress daily!
It may seem a little pricey- The Gruve runs about $150, but if you think of all the benefits you will receive plus a webpage, I think it is a pretty good deal. I think this will be my next fitness purchase, and will be sure to tell everyone about it! You can get more information on this device at

Exercise Tools You Need

I love buying workout tools and gear. I really realized this yesterday, when I made yet another trip out to Sports Authority to add to my fitness collection. Just a few weeks ago, I went out and got more air in my stability ball so I could sit on it at work instead of my regular padded chair. Last week, I went out and bought a new workout DVD to add more cardio workouts to my routine. Then just yesterday I went back there and bought my own kettleball, after writing an article about how great they are. Now, I am already thinking about what I want to by on my next trip out there. Just some on my list: a Pilates DVD, a sports bra, and a step so I can do step workouts while watching TV. Whew! released an article titled ‘7 Tools for Strength Training Routines.’ After reading, I have even more items to add to my fitness list! What to do, what to do? But the article was great, and I even learned about a few tools that I didn’t know existed. Here are the 7 that Shape recommends:

1. Medicine ball
price $15-$150, depending on weight
description A weighted ball, ranging from 2-25 pounds in 2- to 5-pound increments
how it works Hold in both hands to add resistance as you do strength moves or twisting exercises
2. Body Bar
price $23-$90, depending on weight
description A 2- to 6-foot-long weighted bar with padding; comes in 4, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30 and 36 pounds
how it works Use like a barbell in your strength training routines to do moves such as squats, upright rows and biceps curls.
3. BodyWedge21
price $119
description A foam wedge that can be used as an incline bench, step or crunch board for variety and added resistance
how it works Lie on ramp, or place one foot on top, to do moves like incline crunches, decline flies and lunges.
4. SPRI Xerdisc
price $25
description A lightweight, air-filled disc that looks like an inflated Frisbee
how it works Stand with one or both feet on the disc to challenge your balance.
5. AIREX Balance Block
price $50
description A soft foam cushion; good balance tool for beginners
how it works Stand with one or both feet on top to create instability.
6. BOSU Balance Trainer
price $130 (with pump, exercise manual and how-to video)
description An inflated half-dome on a platform (looks like a stability ball cut in half)
how it works Stand, sit, lie or kneel on the dome side, or flip over for an even bigger balance challenge.
7. Reebok Core Board
price $150 (with how-to video)
description A board on an adjustable base that tilts, rocks and swivels
how it works Do strength moves while balancing on top for a serious core workout.

Check Out These Sculpting Secrets

As I was browsing on today I found an article titled ‘Speedy Sculpting Secrets.’ Since I work out to look more sculpted, I headed to the page to see just what secrets I needed to learn. Most of them were what I expected, but there were a few surprises that were thrown in there, and a few new moves I am going to try at the gym. Here were some of my favorite secrets:
1. Hit the Hills. The treadmill can be your friend when trying to vary your workouts. Remember, if you continually do the same routine, your body and muscles will eventually get used to your moves and you won’t be helping yourself. Try these three treadmill programs to keep mixing it up.
FLAT SPRINTS Set the treadmill at a constant 1 percent grade and run of walk fast (you should be completely out of breath) for 30 seconds. Recover at an easy intensity for 60 seconds. Repeat 9 times.
HILL DRILLS Run or walk for 30 seconds at an 8 percent grade followed by 60 seconds at a 1 percent grade. Repeat 9 times.
CONSTANT CLIMB Set the treadmill at an 8 percent grade and walk or run for 30 seconds at a moderate pace (you should be out of breath) followed by 60 seconds at a slower pace, still on the 8 percent incline. Repeat 9 times.

2. Don’t Procrastinate. Try not putting off the moves you dread (for me that would be push-ups!) because you are less likely to complete them if you keep them until the end. Get them out of the way first thing, that way you won’t be as tired when trying to complete them near the end of your routine.
3. Water is Your Friend. Pools can be a workout gold mine if you have access to one. Swimming laps is a great way to sculpt the body, but there are other ways you can utilize the pool as well. Shape suggest getting a kickboard and doing flutter kicks across the length of the pool, then getting gout and doing either lunges or squats and repeating the exercise. By alternating between water and land, the body is getting a cardio-sculpting workout.
4. Hold Your Tongue. This tip I found very interesting. When doing moves such as crunches, you should rest your tongue behind the top row of your teeth. This will help prevent neck strain, keeping you in better form and working the abs harder.

Check out the full article at for all 31 sculpting secrets!

Shape Magazine Workout DVD’s

I think most of you can tell I am a big fan of Shape Magazine, but it’s not just their magazine that I utilize for fitness. Shape makes fabulous workout videos, and I just bought my 3rd workout DVD last week. I really like their DVD’s because they offer so many different segments in one. For example, I just bought the Shape: 20 Minute Makeover DVD. This includes a 20 minute interval training, where it has high intensity cardio segments and low intensity strength training segments, so your body is getting a complete workout. Then, it has 4 ten minute segments that target a specific zone: arms, abs, thighs, and butt. And more- it also has a bonus cardio routine for a quick, fat blasting workout. So depending on the mood I am in or if there is a specific area on my body I want to get toned up, I can choose from one of the routines. And I like the fact that they are short, but effective workouts. I don’t have a whole lot of time to devote to fitness, so quickly being able to burn calories is the best for me. I would recommend everyone to check out the DVD’s Shape has to offer and find one that works the best for you!

How To Prevent Exercise Injuries

Are you being as safe as you need to be when you work out? Chances are, you are slipping in at least one area, causing exercise to be an enemy to your body. listed four fitness tips that will help you avoid injury while getting your best workout.
1. Don’t Forget to Stretch! I am guilty of this so often, because I feel like I don’t have enough time. But stretching is crucial to a workout; giving you more flexibility and you will be less likely to pull a muscle if everything is stretched out. It’s important to stretch both before and after your workout to get the best results.
2. Overtraining. Exercising too frequently can have harmful effects on the body. The body needs recovery time, so it is important to let muscles rest. If you work your legs one day, the next day work on upper body strength and vice versa. This will cause your body to get stronger while preventing injuries.
3. Doing the Wrong Workout. Shape advises against choosing a workout simply based on its popularity or the fact your friends are doing it. You need to make sure it is a class that will focus on your fitness needs, and most importantly- fit your current fitness level. If you are a beginner, don’t sign up for an advanced kickboxing class. You will more than likely end up hurting yourself, and feeling defeated about working out.
4. Getting Dehydrated. You should never do a workout without enough fluids or food in your system. Shape reports that both are essential to complete a workout and keep up your stamina. Drink water or munch on a protein bar before your workout to keep your energy up.

Remember, exercise can be harmful if you are not doing it correctly! Be sure to check out for the full article and other fitness tips.

Dental Habits You Need to Break!

I went to the dentist a few weeks ago and I was happy to hear I was cavity free! Coming from the girl who has cavities filled almost every time I’ve been to the dentist, I was pretty ecstatic over this news. I recently became more concerned with the health of my teeth and gums, and am making sure to go to the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and teeth check. Once I started college four years ago and didn’t have my mom making my appointments and telling me to go, I had been slacking off in that area. But the dental appointments are important, and without them you could be putting yourself in line for dangerous health risks associated with the mouth, teeth, and gums. posted an article entitled “10 Bad (Dental) Habits to Break” and some of their tips are listed below:
1. Brushing Too Hard. This can have two different parts: using a firm bristled toothbrush and using too much pressure. By doing one or both of these, the enamel on the teeth can weaken or wear away, leading to tooth sensitivity and cavities. Shape recommends using a toothbrush with soft bristles and use gentle circular motions while brushing. Electric toothbrushes are also highly recommended.
2. The Wrong Toothpaste. Fluoride is the only ingredient you need to look for in your toothpaste. Shape says that using toothpastes that say “tarter control” can actually do more harm than good, being too abrasive on the teeth and can cause receding gums. Some highly recommended toothpastes: Mentadent ($3.29), Tom’s of Maine Natural Toothpaste ($4) and Sensodyne Fresh Mint ($4.39) for sensitive teeth.
3. Not Flossing. You need to floss at least once a day in order to remove hard to reach plaque stuck between the teeth. My dentist told me to floss teeth right before I brush, because the plaque will be looser, causing the toothpaste to be able to clear it away. Floss every day, and after meals if you are able to.
4. Drinking lots of soda. Both regular and diet soda contain phosphoric acid, which can cause teeth erosion over time. Try to limit your intake of the carbonated beverages, or use a straw when you do drink, and brush teeth afterwards to minimize damage.
5. Foods That Stain. Foods that can stain other items, such as clothes or carpet, can stain your teeth as well.( Examples can include red wine, tea, and coffee.) Over time, teeth will turn a dull, yellowish color from the staining. Laser whitening or bleaching can help lift stains without removing the enamel.

Be sure to check out for the full article and schedule your appointments with the dentist!