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Foodie Review: Special K Cereal

I’m a big fan of cereal – like, I start my day with a bowl of cereal and typically have another for my before-bedtime snack. Yes, I am 26. Don’t judge. But the cereal I prefer – Frosted Flakes, Fruit Loops, etc – are all the very sugary types, and I know I’m not helping myself any by eating two bowls a day. So I decided to go out on a limb a few months back and try something… healthy. I grabbed a box of Special K cereal. I have tried (and reviewed) both the cereal bars and the chips from Special K’s line and thought both were great – and better for me. So I decided to try the cereal, to see if I could cut back on the sugary brands I loved so much.
I decided on the fruit and yogurt cereal, and am happy to report that I actually love it. I was a tad intimated at first because I’m not a big fan of oats (that why I prefer frosted flakes!) but with the yogurt clusters and bits of fruit in every bite I didn’t find any issues with taste. Now I always keep a box of this cereal stocked in my cabinet, and I love having a healthier option to turn to!

Special K Cereal Bars

I love to sleep, so getting up early in the morning to get ready for work is my enemy. After I moved this past summer, my commute to work went from 5 minutes to 25 minutes. What did that mean for me? Less sleep! I fixed this solution by skipping breakfast at home. I would usually give myself enough time for some toast and fruit or even a bowl of cereal while I fixed my hair. After the move, I started bringing breakfast to work with me, grabbing a banana or pop-tart and eating it while driving or once I started working. While I would occasionally grab fruit, sugary pop-tarts or caffeine loaded coffee drinks started to become the norm for me. Sometimes, I would even just skip breakfast all together- one of the biggest no-no’s out there. I knew I needed to rely on something small and fast that could easily be grabbed from home or stored in my desk at work.
Then one day about a month ago I was in the gift shop at my work (a hospital) when I saw a cute little pink package. The pink immediately caught my eye, along with the bold headline ONLY 90 CALORIES!! I thought, 90 calories- too good to be true! It was a Special K Strawberry Cereal Bar, and my hand wavered as I went to snatch one up. Special K? I tried the cereal once, and I thought it was flavorless and dry. But my break was almost over, I needed something for breakfast, and one bar cost fifty-five cents. I took a leap a faith.
And I am not sorry I did. I loved it! The strawberries were sweet, the drizzled icing a treat, and the rice and whole grain flakes were filling. Even for .81 ounce of food, I was happily satisfied throughout the morning. And did I mention there are only 90 calories in one bar? If you were like me and hesitant to try these cereal bars, give them a shot! They are perfect for a light breakfast, low on calories, but can be enjoyed if you have a sweet tooth like me. They also come in a variety of flavors, including blueberry, chocolate drizzle, honey nut, and raspberry cheesecake. Yum!