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Beauty Review: Biore Steam Activated Cleanser

As promised, I bought the new cleanser from Biore- the Steam Activated Cleanser. This minty smelling cleanser has steam activated beads that works with the steam from the shower to wash away makeup, oil, and dirt that is in your pores. I waited until after I had shampooed my hair and my shower was nice and steamy before I lathered it up and let it settle on my face for a few minutes. After washing it off, my face felt refreshed and cool, but I didn’t want to get too excited right away. I kept using it daily in the shower, and I can say after 1 week, my skin feels a lot better and is improving in appearance. I am glad to report this isn’t a skin care product that makes your face a lot worse before it gets any better! (I just hate that.) I would definitely recommend this cleanser, and the price is reasonable as well, right around $8 at local drugstores.