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Interview with Malena Lott

1. Did your own personal experiences with motherhood inspire you to write this story?

Absolutely. First, I wasn’t raised by my biological mother (was raised by my paternal grandparents) so I could relate to the “motherless mother” anxiety Taylor feels in the book. Like most moms, every topic covered in the book was something I had to make a decision on – from daycare to working to breastfeeding to the nursery to how it changed every waking minute of my day. I used personal experiences from all three pregnancies, including hypnobirthing.

2. Do you have any advice for first time mothers? Or any fun/interesting stories?

I know it’s hard, but try to relax and enjoy the journey. The “annoyances” like rhinitis and heartburn and physical discomfort are quickly usurped by the annoyances of having no sleep and feeling like a zombie. Wait. That wasn’t very reassuring was it? Okay, try again. All the discomforts are worth it to share your life with your little bundle of joy. (Is that better?) 🙂

3. When did you know writing was for you?
In sixth grade I knew for sure, but it wasn’t until my mid-twenties that I decided I’d really try to finish a novel, join writers’ groups and try to find an agent and all that scary stuff.

4. How would you describe your books?
I’d describe them as mojo lit. My hope is that the reader finishes my books and then believes they can tackle whatever dreams and hurdles they may have in their own life, whether that be personal or professional. I’m also writing young adult under the pen name Lena Brown and my goal there is similar – you are stronger than you think you are and you have the answers within you. I’m also trying a time-traveling fantasy, so that one is completely different and fun and probably my favorite character to date. So check back in with me.

5. What is the hardest part of the writing process for you?
Somewhere between the first and second draft is likely the hardest because the story changes so much and you have to make decisions that truly shape the novel. I enjoy revising, but it’s definitely the most crucial part.

6. What are your favorite genres to read?
I’m a voracious reader. I read women’s fiction and non-fiction the most. I’m a complete neuroscience and psychology geek, so I tend to read a lot of books about how we think and human relations. I also enjoy some Young Adult and the occasional literary novel. Now that I’m also an executive editor, I get to try new genres I may not have picked up myself, such as the historical non-fictional account of operation pied piper in 1939 London by one of our new Buzz Books clients, Michael Burns.

7. What do you want readers to take away from your story?
I’d love readers of The Stork Reality to come away with the confidence to trust in your intuition as a mother. It’s a tough job – the toughest! – but by paying attention and staying in the present moment it’s amazing how much more we know than we think we do. And love really does rule.

8. What is the one thing that you want readers to know about you as an author?
That I love and cherish my readers. Truly. Thank you for reading!

9. How important do you think social media is for authors these days?

It depends. Jonathon Franzen says Twitter is irritating and that serious readers and authors don’t like to “yak about themselves.” But for most of us (as a reader and as an author) I think it’s about tapping into a conversation and finding news, entertainment and connection in a way that’s fun and easy. I like it. Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest/Instagram/blogging is a way for people to find you and connect, not a way for you to talk about yourself all the time. I enjoy building community (as I’ve done with Book End and Stork Reality so that’s why it matters to me. I’ve met amazing people and learned amazing things with social media, so I’m a fan.

10. What would be your advice to aspiring writers?

Write a lot. Revise a lot. Get constructive feedback. Don’t give up.