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Blind Faith by CJ Lyons

Sarah Durandt is still living a nightmare. Two years ago, her husband and young son were murdered, but their bodies were never recovered. Now, as the man who confessed to killing her family awaits his execution, Sarah begs to know where the bodies were buried. She just wants her closure, but the killer won’t give that to her. She returns home with her lawyer and special friend, Alan, but the memories of Josh and Sam continue to haunt her. She is determined to find her husband and son, but never imagines what the search could lead her to. A tangle of deceit, multiple identities, and surprising foes await to be unearthed as Sarah begins the complicated unraveling of her families murders.
Oh boy. Blind Faith by CJ Lyons had five stars written all over it from the moment I started reading. Lyons has an obvious talent for creating her “thrillers of the heart” and wastes no times hooking the readers to Sarah, the main character. The complicated twists and turns in the story didn’t deter me or frustrate me at all, instead they pulled me in further, keeping up with the characters and action as it all unfolded. This is a fantastic mystery, and the writing flows along so smoothly that I often times felt I was the detective trying to piece all the clues together. There were even a few scenes where I felt my heart beating faster, as I was anxious to where the plot would take me. Not a lot of mysteries can cause that intense reaction from me! This is a great novel, and I would definitely recommend CJ Lyons and her thrillers to readers.
Rating: 5/5