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The Cinderella Blues by Obren Bokich

The Cinderella Blues by Obren Bokich tells the story of Kat, a charming yet hopeless romantic, who is imaginative in a very endearing way. The story follows her as she juggles both her miserable job and the search for her true “Prince Charming”. She ventures through the dating scene with optimism and stumbles a few times, but ultimately learns to trust herself and her heart and in doing so, she realizes that she may end up with her happy ending (in more ways than one) after all.

I thoroughly enjoyed The Cinderella Blues and found it delightfully heartfelt and witty. I think Bokich did a wonderful job at creating a character that most women can identify with, as well as life situations that many of us experience ourselves. Being single in a city like LA is a task in itself, and I think Kat does so in a very realistic and charming way. I absolutely adored the relationships that Kat has throughout the book, especially the one with Cooper- whom I think is a heart throb in his own right! Overall, this book was a joy to read and I found myself laughing out loud at several parts. A great book to share with your girlfriends!