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Debut Author Spotlight: Talli Roland

Debut Author: Talli Roland
Debut Novel: The Hating Game
Talli contacted me via email asking me to give her debut novel a review. After reading the synopsis and learning it was about reality TV dating shows, I had to read it! I am a reality TV junkie, so much so, it’s a little embarrassing. But Talli and I are on the same page there- her blog quotes her as saying if she were “forced to wax anyone’s hairy chest it would have to be Simon Cowell.” I enjoyed reading The Hating Game, and watching the producers do whatever necessary to bring more drama into the dating show. Here is a clip of my four star review:
“The Hating Game by Talli Roland has romance and scandal, along with likeable characters and fast plot points. The reality TV spin calls for some hilarious twists as the producers of the show try to inject more drama among the contestants. I liked the main character and the fact she wasn’t whining and complaining throughout about her love life. Instead she was a tough chick, not letting her ruined romance get in the way of her business and success.”
The Hating Game is currently available as an Ebook only, but the paperback version will be for sale in March of 2011. Be sure to check out Talli’s website or blog for more news from this London author, and to get your copy of The Hating Game.

The Hating Game by Talli Roland

Mattie Johns can really only be described as a man-eater. She is no nonsense, in control, yet has a sense of vulnerability that is rarely on display. She let herself succumb to love once, and that bit her in the ass. Now she is focused solely on her business and trying not to go bankrupt. All thanks her no good cheating ex-boyfriend, who stole all her clients away from her. When Mattie is tapped to appear on a reality dating show, she thinks it could be her only chance to avoid financial disaster. The money being promised is enough to get through a few dates with some loser guys. But the tables are turned on Mattie when the contestants turn out not to be strangers, but four ex-boyfriends, all with a very different motive to being on the dating show.
The Hating Game by Talli Roland has romance and scandal, along with likeable characters and fast plot points. The reality TV spin calls for some hilarious twists as the producers of the show try to inject more drama among the contestants. I liked the main character and the fact she wasn’t whining and complaining throughout about her love life. Instead she was a tough chick, not letting her ruined romance get in the way of her business and success. My only dislike is that I just read a story similar to this one not that long ago- reality TV contestant set up with a bunch of ex-boyfriends. So it didn’t make this story real original, but it was still funny and entertaining to read.
Rating: 4