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CLP Blog Tours Book Review: Torn Together by Emlyn Chand

Emlyn Chand is now on tour with CLP Blog Tours and Torn Together. This novel is a beautiful story about Daly English, a woman who doesn’t quite know her way yet. She has a difficult relationship with her mother, she still mourns the loss of her father, and she struggles with her art. Daly meets two people that have a profound effect on her life. First there is Meghann, a pregnant teenager who Daly is wary of at first. Daly is jealous of the relationship between her mom and Meghann, but quickly gets a new outlook on life from their friendship – and perhaps a second chance with her mom. She also befriends Kashi, a believer in fate who hails from India. A love affair between the two commences quickly, and Daly takes a life-changing trip to India to meet Kashi’s family for approval. Daly finally feels her life has a purpose, a direction, and she feels happier than she can remember. But is it too good to be true?
Torn Together is a heart-wrenching story that will take readers on an emotional roller-coaster of emotions. Daly is a sweet girl that can never seem to find her way, and I loved when the pieces of her puzzle started clicking into place. Without giving away too much, there is a big shakeup just past the halfway point that made me cry and wonder why life can be so unfair. I had a hard time putting down this book, and I find myself still thinking about Daly and how her story might have continued after finishing the book. I really enjoyed reading about Meghann and her situation, and thought the rest of the supporting cast was very intriguing. Daly’s trip to India and meeting with Kashi’s family is interesting, entertaining, and also educational. I’m actually a big fan of reading about Indian culture and I was entranced by the descriptions and learning about the customs. One for your to-read list!
4.5 stars

On Tour: Torn Together by Emlyn Chand

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