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Walking Workouts to Get in Shape

One of my favorite exercise routines is the most basic- walking! Usually I make it on the treadmill three times a week, walking at a brisk pace at a steep incline. Even though I am “just” walking, the pace and the incline are giving me a great cardio workout. has a great walking workout plan, that includes two different workouts, a 30 min quick blast and a 60 min fat torcher that you can alternate between. Check out both workouts here and get walking!

Walking as a Diet…Sure!

I can’t believe I’m finally saying this, but it seems that spring could be just around the corner! I thought we would never get past this dreadful winter, but now that I’ve actually seen the sun and have gotten my hopes up for decent weather, I want to take advantage. I have started taking walks outside around my work building during my breaks instead of sitting cooped up in the break room. I saw on that they have posted a walking workout. Titled ‘The Walking Diet’ the article talks about how walking and/or hiking can help get you into summer shape. I have done the workout once so far, and I definitely recommend giving it a try if you can get outdoors! Head to to view the complete workout.