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My Workout Routine: December 2013

I’ve been doing the same fitness routine for about 2 years now, and I’ve decided to switch it up. No, I’m not doing the same…

My Reward for Working Out

I love checklists. From grocery lists, shopping lists, daily to-do lists, I make them all. I love checking items off my list so much, that sometimes I add an item that I’ve already completed to a list, just so I can have the satisfaction of checking it off. A little overboard, perhaps, but my checklists help me accomplish my goals.
One list in particular has been on my mind lately, and this is my workout list. Each month I make my new workout list, dividing the month into four weeks. Week One is my warm-up week, the week with the least amount of activities. Weeks Two and Three are the hard weeks, the ones where I really have to push myself to get each workout complete. And the Fourth week is my cool-down week, not quite as simple as Week One, but definitely easier than weeks Two and Three. I alternate between going to the gym, completing workout videos at home, and doing my trusty workouts I tear out of magazines such as SHAPE or WOMENS HEALTH.
I have been doing this workout list for about a year now, and I love it. My neurosis for checklists comes in handy here, because I want to be able to check those workouts off. If I instead had no list and just told myself I’ll work out when I can, I know I wouldn’t be as motivated to get myself to the gym. But lately, I’ve noticed myself slacking off. I make excuses: the cold weather, boyfriend is hogging the TV playing Xbox, Dancing With the Stars is on…whatever it may be. I wasn’t completing my weeks in time, therefore I wasn’t able to check off those workouts. I needed a new plan, a way to motivate myself even further to always have time for my workout routines.
I’ve read in a million different places that rewarding yourself is a great way to keep up with a diet or workout plan. Don’t drink a soda all week- get that hot fudge sundae you’ve been craving. Complete all your workouts on time- get that hot fudge sundae you’ve been craving. My problem with this solution- if I want a hot fudge sundae, I will go out and buy myself one. I’ve never been good at limiting what I eat, especially if it involves ice cream. Or chips. Or candy. Anyways, you get my point. So what would motivate me?
Money! Everyone loves money. This is my new plan: Take $20 out of my checking account at the start of each month. Five dollars represents each week. If I complete a week on time, that five dollars can go back in my wallet. If I fail to complete my week on time, that five dollars will go into my darling pink piggy bank with all my loose change, not to be seen again until the bank is full and I go cash in (usually take around 9-12 months to fill). Now technically, this is a win/win for me. I win, I get my money back. I lose, I put my money into savings, which is a good thing. But I have a difficult time putting my hard earned dough into a savings account, I want to keep it in my greedy wallet. So in order for me not to lose five dollars a week or twenty dollars a month to Miss Pink Piggy, I will have to keep up on my workouts, and keep crossing them off my list. I just started this new plan last week, and I’m happy to say I finished in time and the five bucks went back in my wallet 
Does anyone else have a workout plan? How do you keep yourself motivated to get your sweat on? I would love to hear anyone’s suggestions!